Faculty Guide to Services for Students

This faculty guide is designed to be an additional tool for faculty when working with students. It is a quick reference guide to resources and support services that help students succeed both inside and outside of the classroom.

For a complete listing of student services, please visit the Student Hub.

Student Laptop

Learning Resource Center (LRC)

The LRC facilitates small group tutoring and conducts workshops in test- taking skills, note-taking skills and other learning areas. Also accessible are instructional computer labs that support course specific software, computer training workshops and instructional software offerings. Visit our website or contact us at lrctutoring@bmcc.cuny.edu or visit our homepage for “live chat” assistance.

Online Tutoring

Online Tutoring is one of the many ways that BMCC is extending its academic support services to students to make their college career a success. We offer tutoring and coaching via the Upswing Online platform. This is a virtual learning environment where students can register for an appointment and meet with certified tutors and academic coaches. Please visit Online Tutoring for a list of subjects and available online tutoring sessions. Additional assistance is available by clicking the links below.

Workshops for Students

The Virtual Learning Center offers training and study skills workshops on MLA formatting in Microsoft Word, Using Pivot Tables in Microsoft Excel, Note-taking, Test-taking and Procrastination. Click HERE to register.  Additional resources are available below.

Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching consists of personalized, one-on-one meetings with an academic coach that will help students identify their academic challenges and improve their academic performance. Academic coaches are available on Upswing Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. To meet with an Academic Coach, log on to Upswing or email us at  AcademicCoaching@bmcc.cuny.edu to schedule an appointment. Coaches also facilitate a series of study skills workshops for online learners. These workshops are posted weekly on the BMCC Events page and the LRC Workshops page,  Below are the workshop descriptions.

  1. How To Be A Successful Online Student
    Becoming a successful online student definitely takes time, dedication, and practice. This workshop identifies the concerns that come with online learning and provides the keys to overcome them. With the right tools and best practices, everyone can be a successful online student.
  2. Tips On Effective Note-taking For Online Learners
    Note-taking is a skill that all students need to master to be successful in their classes. In this workshop, we will break down specific note taking strategies and students will be provided with helpful tools to assist in their studies.
  3. How To Manage Your Time When Taking Classes Online
    Are you overwhelmed by all the demands of the working day? This presentation will guide you on how to effectively and efficiently manage your time.
  4. Importance of Study Groups For The Online Learner
    Distance learning does not mean you have to study alone. In this presentation, we provide you with information of a number of great virtual tools to keep you connected with classmates, as well as helpful tips to ensure your study groups are productive. Form a study group today!

English as a Second Language (ESL) Lab

The ESL Lab offers weekly tutoring sessions for all ESL courses in addition to walk-in tutoring and conversation groups. Computer programs are available for practice in grammar, writing and speaking/listening. Books and audio CDs are available for use in the lab, and some books may be borrowed. For additional information, Email  Joshua Belknap ESL Lab Coordinator jbelknap@bmcc.cuny.edu

Math Lab

The Math Lab offers tutoring on a walk-in basis. It is equipped with a collection of computer programs for various math courses, tutorial videos and worksheets to supplement classroom instruction. There are open lab hours for students to complete assignments, and to explore and practice computer skills related to their coursework. Please email us @ mathtutoring@bmcc.cuny.edu or David Lorde Senior Laboratory Technician dlorde@bmcc.cuny.edu

Reading Lab

The Reading Lab helps students strengthen their reading skills and prepare for the CUNYACT reading test. It provides students with computers, textbooks, teacher-prepared assignments and audio/video materials to help develop and improve reading performance. For further assistance Email Joseph Johnson, Reading Lab Coordinator jjohnson@bmcc.cuny.edu

Writing Center

The Writing Center assists students with developing and revising writing in all subject areas. Writing assistance is also available to support students in co-requisite courses including ENG 100.5 and developmental courses including ENG 095 and ENG 088 to help students achieve fluency and grammatical correctness in writing. Writing tutors assist students in understanding assignments, generating ideas, organizing papers, learning grammar and citing sources. They also assist students with transfer and application essays. Students in English 102, 201, or 300 courses can use the Learning Resource Center. Contact us at writingcenter@bmcc.cuny.edu

Office of AccesibilityAccessibility, Office of

accessibility@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 220-8180; Room N-360

BMCC students with documented disabilities are encouraged to meet with the staff in the Office of Accessibility to discuss potential reasonable accommodations. Accommodations include extended-time testing, readers, sign-language interpreters, note-taking services and textbooks on tape. An Assistive Technology computer lab is available, but not limited, to those students who are blind or have low vision.

Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP)

asap@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 346-8660; Room M-1412

BMCC’s Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) assists students in earning associate degrees within three years by providing a range of financial, academic, and personal supports including comprehensive and personalized advisement, career counseling, tutoring, waivers for tuition and mandatory fees, MTA MetroCards, and additional financial assistance to defray the cost of textbooks.

Advocacy and Resource Center (ARC)

arc@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 220-8195; Room S-230

The Advocacy and Resource Center (ARC) provides referrals to on-campus emergency loans or grants, food (Panther Pantry) and transportation assistance, as well as social service agencies and programs that help students who may otherwise be at risk of not successfully completing their education. Primary services include: tax preparation, financial counseling, legal counseling and information on government-sponsored programs.

BMCC Learning Academy (BLA)

bmccla@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 346-8640; Room M-1413

The BMCC Learning Academy (BLA) is a success program that helps students transition to college and stay on track through graduation and transfer. The Learning Academy is for students interested in a personalized academic advisor and a supportive, knowledgeable community of peers, faculty and academic resources.

The Center for Career Development (CCD)

career@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 220-8170; Room S-342

The CCD delivers comprehensive career planning to students through individualized career advising, career workshops, and by providing 24-hour access to online resources for information on job opportunities, non-credit internships, and career fairs.

College Discovery (CD)

cdp@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 220-8152; Room S-335

BMCC’s College Discovery (CD) was established to provide comprehensive academic, financial, and social supports to assist capable students who otherwise might not be able to attend college due to their educational and financial circumstances.

Compliance and Diversity, Office of

OLevy@bmcc.cuny.edu and TWade@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 220-1236 or (212) 220-1273; Room F-430

The Office of Compliance & Diversity is dedicated to promoting an
open and inclusive environment and addressing complaints of unlawful discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment. To file a complaint, please contact the Office of Compliance and Diversity.

The Counseling Center

counselingcenter@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 220-8140; Room S-343

The Counseling Center provides free, confidential, individual, group and couples consultation services for BMCC students, faculty and staff. Counselors help with relationship issues, identity issues, concerns about family and friends, academic issues, and coping with feelings of depression, anxiety or grief. Services are offered in English, Spanish, French, Hindi and Punjabi.

Early Childhood Center (ECC) and Family Child Care Network

CScottCroff@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 220-8250; Room N-375

ECC delivers developmentally appropriate programs that provide quality early-care education for the children of BMCC student parents, enabling them to pursue their college education. The Family Child Care Network, supervised by the ECC, consists of a group of licensed day-care homes serving children between two months and 12 years of age.

Peer Mentoring

peermentoring@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 776-6472; Room S-136H

The Peer Mentoring Program helps new students adjust to the college environment, make connections on campus and feel empowered to chart their own course to success. The program matches successful continuing students with new students, connecting them as partners for a semester- long experience.

Based in the Peer Mentoring office, the CREAR FUTUROS Mentoring Program is focused specifically on actions that support college access, achievement, retention and graduation rates for Latino students in New York City.

LibraryRandolph Library

library@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 220-8139 (Reference); (212) 220-1451 (Circulation); Room S-410

The Randolph Library provides students on-campus and remote access to thousands of books, eBooks and journals, along with dozens of available databases. Students may borrow laptops, tablets, calculators and battery chargers. Photocopying, scanning and printing are also available. Library faculty are available at the reference desk anytime the library is open, and are also available to meet with students by appointment. Instructional sessions can be scheduled by faculty to provide an overview of library resources or to discuss appropriate resources for an assignment due.


sgyamfi@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 220-8133; Room N-365

This office provides assistance when students need help finding money
to pay for tuition, books, and other necessities when federal and state financial aid is not enough. They offer information on funding educational endeavors through fellowships, essay contests, scholarships and short- term emergency assistance for students experiencing financial difficulties.

Student Activities, Office of (OSA)

osa@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 220-8160; Room S-230

OSA plans and coordinates extracurricular educational, cultural and social programs to enhance the college experience of BMCC students. The office oversees the registration of all student clubs, assigns classrooms for clubs to meet during club hours on Wednesdays, and assists in the production of club events.

Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

iwentworth@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 220-1334; Room S-340

The Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Officer acts on behalf of BMCC regarding matters of student discipline and investigates alleged instances of student misconduct and academic dishonesty under the direct supervision of the Dean for Student Affairs. To report a behavioral incident, please contact Public Safety or file an online BART report.

Urban Male Leadership Academy

aholmes@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 220-7276; Room S-430F

The Urban Male Leadership Academy (UMLA) at BMCC provides structured mentoring, tutoring and cultural activities to any student in the college, with a focus on black and Latino males. The primary objective of UMLA is to increase student graduation and transfer rates to senior colleges.

Veterans Resource Center (VRC)

wcotto@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 220-8035; Room S-115M

The VRC serves the needs of prospective and enrolled service persons, veterans, their dependents, their survivors, and other persons eligible to receive education benefits under various Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) programs. The VRC supplements recruitment and retention efforts, provides counseling, program information, and certifies eligible students to receive DVA education benefits while maintaining productive relations with the Veterans Administration and other agencies serving veterans.

Women’s Resource Center (WRC)

wrc@bmcc.cuny.edu; (212) 220-8165; Room S-340

The WRC facilitates weekly support groups and collaborates with students through its Sister2Sister Peer Mentoring Program. The Center also provides assistance and conducts special programs, seminars and workshops on domestic violence, LGBTQ, and gender related topics designed to educate and bring awareness to the entire BMCC Community.

Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT)

(212) 220-8160; Room S-230

The Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT) is a comprehensive record of participation and achievements outside of the classroom while the student is enrolled at BMCC. When coupled with the academic transcript, a holistic representation of the student’s total education, both inside and outside of the classroom, is created.

The CCT is organized around eleven categories that reflect various co-curricular activities at BMCC. The eleven categories are the following:

  • Athletics: Participation, honors, or distinctions as a member of a BMCC sponsored intercollegiate athletic team.
  • Clubs and Organizations: Ongoing participation as a general member or executive board member in a BMCC recognized club or organization.
  • Community Service: Participation in a volunteer/civic activity or service learning for a BMCC department.
  • Honors and Awards: Recipient of an honor, award or scholarship recognized by BMCC.
  • Global Experience: BMCC or CUNY sponsored overnight trips outside of NYC such as study abroad or conferences.
  • Leadership Training: Participation in leadership activities recognized by BMCC or CUNY.
  • Performance & Art Exhibits: Presentations or performances outside of the classroom setting that are recognized by BMCC or CUNY and are not for class credit.
  • Professional Activities: Paid leadership positions through BMCC or CUNY that require extensive leadership training.
  • Research: Participation in research programs, presenting research or working with a BMCC faculty member conducting research not for credit.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Attendance or presentation at a workshop or seminar that is recognized by BMCC or CUNY.
  • Assessments & Certifications: BMCC or CUNY facilitated assessments such as Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), CPR and CERT.

Learn more about the CCT.

Enhanced Learning in the Classroom (ELIC)

(212) 220-8130; Room S-350

Faculty members now have an opportunity to request funds to enhance the learning experiences of students related to the course/syllabus for which they are enrolled. The Enhanced Learning in the Classroom (ELIC) fund was created by the BMCC Association Board with the goal of sponsoring activities that complement the curriculum.