Faculty & Staff Resources
More than 1,000 faculty and staff members work at BMCC bringing quality education to a diverse, urban population of students. The following resources are available to faculty and staff who ensure our students have a quality learning experience.
Offices and Services
- A. Philip Randolph Memorial Library
- Academic Advisement and Transfer Center
- Academic Affairs
- Affirmative Action and Compliance
- Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship (CETLS)
- College Bookstore
- Digital Education Center
- Evening/Weekend Programs
- Faculty Affairs
- Faculty Appointments
- Human Resources
- Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics
- Information Resources and Technology
- Instructional Technology Services
- Media Center
- Office of Accessibility
- Off-Site Programs
- Public Affairs
- Public Safety
- Reprographics
- Sponsored Programs
- Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
- 9/11 Victims Information Resources
- Academic Momentum 2.0 (AcMo 2.0)
- Academic Senate
- Behavioral Assessment and Response Team (BART)
- BMCC Strategic Plan 2020-2025
- Brightspace Transition
- College Council
- Connecting to and Guiding Students to Success—Recommendations
- CUNYfirst
- CUNY Relocation Resources
- Evacuation Procedures
- Faculty Guide to Services for Students
- Faculty Handbook
- Faculty Page Login | BMCC-Faculty-Page-Guide-11.2.23 (pdf)
- Faculty Workspaces
- Governmental per diem rates
- Hispanic Educational Telecommunications System (HETS)
- Inquirer Journal
- IRB and Human Subjects Research
- Navigate360
- OpenLab
- Policies
- Research and Scholarly Inquiry
- Social Media Directory
- Student Resource Quick Reference Guide (pdf)
- Sustainability at BMCC
- Syllabus Template
- Travel Authorization and Reimbursement
- Weekend Faculty Resources
- Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC)