Mission Statement
The Office of Faculty Appointments is responsible for and provides support in ensuring the implementation of and compliance with CUNY and BMCC governing documents, policies and procedures with a vision to develop, promote and support transparency, efficiency and informational resources for faculty in the areas of appointment, reappointment, tenure, promotion and workload; enhances the day-to-day management and guidance regarding faculty matters for the Office of Academic Affairs; and contributes to the environment of learning through multifaceted support to the academic units of the college.
Workload and Multiple Positions
Workload: All full time faculty are required to submit a workload report form to their department each Fall and Spring semesters. The form is to be completed as early as possible with teaching assignments, reassigned time, etc. clearly reported. The form is then forwarded to the Office of Faculty Appointments. PSC CUNY provides an overview of workload for full time and part time faculty.
Multiple Positions
Fall, Winter and Spring: Full-time faculty who have teaching or other assignments in addition to their regular BMCC workload, must report that activity to CUNY. (Such “multiple positions” may be a class taught at another CUNY college, a non-teaching assignment in your department, a course at a non-CUNY college, or outside consulting.) (See the State of Policy on Multiple Positions.) The form is submitted to the department chair for review and Departmental P&B Committee approval, and then submitted to the Office of Faculty Appointments.
Summer: Faculty who have summer assignments are also required to complete and submit a summer assignment form for all CUNY assignments during the summer, including teaching, non-teaching, research, administrative work, etc. The policy is outlined in the Statement of Policy on Multiple Positions.
For questions regarding Workload or Multiple Positions please contact Greer McPhaden, Director of Faculty Appointments, (212) 776-6226, gmcphaden@bmcc.cuny.edu.
See Forms and Tools
Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion, Academic Leave
Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion: The procedures for faculty reappointment, tenure and promotion are governed by the Bylaws and Policies of the Board of Trustees of the City University of New York, including the Statement on Academic Personnel Practice of the City University of New York, PSC/CUNY Collective Bargaining Agreement, and college governance plans. PSC CUNY, Article 9, outlines appointment and reappointment matters. The schedule for notification of reappointment and non-reappointment is further available here.
The Tenure and Promotion Guidelines should assist faculty with the overview of evaluation, observations and other matters related to the reappointment, tenure and promotion.
Faculty Academic Leave: PSC CUNY, Article 25, outlines Research, Fellowship, and Scholar Incentive Awards available for faculty. The University’s Office of Human Resources Management, Code of Practice Regarding Instructional Staff Academic Leaves further notes the purpose, eligible titles, review and approval and other matters regarding academic leave. BMCC procedures are found here along with a link to the online form.
For questions regarding the Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion, or Academic Leave process, email the Office of Faculty Appointments ofa@bmcc.cuny.edu.
See Forms and Tools
Faculty Matters:
Greer McPhaden, Director of Faculty Appointments, (212) 776-6226, gmcphaden@bmcc.cuny.edu,
Office of Faculty Appointments ofa@bmcc.cuny.edu.
Academic unit support and assistance with Travel and Expense System:
Fiodalisa Nunez, Administrative Specialist, fnunez@bmcc.cuny.edu
Maria Castillo, Administrative Assistant, macastillo@bmcc.cuny.edu
Forms and Tools
- General Support
- CUNY Relocation
- Business Cards Form
- New Hire Packets
- Salary Schedule
- Terminal Degree Equivalencies
- Workload
- Multiple Positions
- Tenure and Promotion
- Full-time faculty Promotion Application (Requires BMCC ID and password–“click here” for new session)
- Adjunct Faculty Promotion Application
- Tenure and Promotion Workshop Presentation for Full Time Faculty (pdf) TenureandPromotion_Spring2019_2.26.19
- Academic Leaves