Common Areas of Concern

Pantry Pantry

If you don’t know whom to contact or where to start, below are common areas of concern. If you do not find the specific topic or area of concern you are looking for below please feel free to contact Student Affairs at (212) 220-8130 or or visit Room S-350.

I have a student who (has, needs, shows, is, experienced, interested in)…

Counseling Center

(212) 220-8140; Room S-343;

Learning Resource Center (LRC)

(212) 220-1378; Room S-510

Library; (212) 220-1442; Rooms S-410 & S-430

*Please report concerns through Navigate360.

College Computer Center Service Desk; (212) 220-8122; Room S-140

*They can also assist with lost IDs, email, accessing the internet, and courseware.

Public Safety; (212) 220-8075; Room S-215

*The college has an obligation to its students, faculty, staff, and visitors to conduct its operations and maintain its facilities in a manner consistent with its mission as an institution of higher education. For this reason, young children who are not registered in the child care center should not be brought to the campus, and, of course, may not attend classes with their parent or guardian.

There may be occasions when brief visits by children of students may be necessary. Children may visit college offices and facilities, other than classrooms, for limited periods of time when their parent or guardian is conducting routine business at the college. Regular repeated visits by children are not permitted.

Public Safety; (212) 220-8075; Room S-215

*If on campus call 911 or use one of the blue call boxes located throughout the campus.

Center for Career Development; (212) 220-8140; Room S-343

Experiential Learning and Internships; (212) 776-6277; Room S-350

Federal Work Study; (212) 776-6277; Room S-350

Counseling Center; (212) 220-8140; Room S-343

Student Relations – Student Affairs; (212) 776-6277; Room S-350

*Please report concerns through Navigate360.

Health Services

(212) 220-8165; Room S-340

Public Safety; (212) 220-8075; Room S-215

Office of Student Activities (OSA); (212) 220-8160; Room S-230

*Includes leadership, clubs, and volunteer opportunities.

Public Safety; (212) 220-8075; Room S-215

*If you find anything, please report it to any Security Officer.
If you lost anything, check the security office located at S-211 or contact Public Safety at (212) 220-8136