BMCC Learning Academy


The BMCC Learning Academy (BLA) is a community-oriented success program that offers supportive personalized advisement, success seminars, and interactive career and transfer guidance for students interested in healthcare careers. As of Fall 2024, all new students entering the BLA Health Professions Community will be first-year Undeclared Health (UDH) Nursing Pathway, Community Health (COH), or Public Heath (PHE) majors. 

Program Benefits

As a member of the Health Professions Community, you will receive:

  • A personal academic advisor
  • A health professions bridge program
  • Weekly success seminars designed for healthcare majors
  • A supportive community of likeminded peers
  • Career planning and transfer guidance
  • A summer bridge program
  • Connections to faculty

See our Why the Learning Academy? page for more information.


As of fall 2024, we will only accept incoming first-year students who are in the following majors:

  • Undeclared Health (UDH), on the Nursing pathway 
  • Community Health (COH) 
  • Public Health (PHE) 

Interested in Joining the Learning Academy?

Eligible students will receive an e-mail invitation. Feel free to email with any questions or concerns.

BMCC Learning Academy

70 Murray Street, Room M-1413
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 346-8640

Office Hours:
9 a.m.–5 p.m.