Your Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT) tracks certain outside-the-classroom activities that are related to your education at BMCC. Here are some guidelines about what does and does not count as a CCT activity:
- On and off-campus jobs and internships are not CCT approved items.
- CCT is for items NOT reflected on an academic transcript. (Example: Dean’s list is reflected on an academic transcript.)
- Programs/research projects that are for academic credit are not CCT approved items.
- Academic or admissions based programs are not CCT approved items.
- Club members must attend four (4) club meetings per semester to get CCT credit.
- Individual club sponsored events or programs are not CCT approved items. Club executive board positions will receive CCT credit at the end of the semester.
- Only BMCC sponsored & supported community service projects will receive CCT credit.
Here are some activities that can be included on your Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT). More activities beyond those listed in each category can be CCT eligible. If you have questions about specific activities, please contact the Office of Student Activities.
- Athletics and Recreation (One semester)
- Men’s and Women’s Basketball teams
- Men’s Baseball team
- Women’s Volleyball team
- Men’s and Women’s Soccer team
- Clubs and Organizations (One semester)
- Officer or Member (attend 4 meetings) in one of over 80 Student Clubs. Club categories: academic, sports, diversity/multicultural, media, political, professional, religious, social service and creative
- Officer in Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
- Executive or Inducted member of The National Society of Leadership & Success
- Community Service and Civic Engagement (Participant/Member)
- BMCC Academy of Leadership and Service (one semester)
- PLUS program for community service
- Civic Leadership Program for advocacy and lobbying training
- Career Explorers Program to develop professional and networking skills
- Honors and Awards (Recipient)
- BMCC Foundation Scholarship
- BMCC Moneyworks Ambassador Scholarship
- College Discovery Program Awards
- Out in Two Scholarship
- Academic Excellence Award (various academic departments)
- Student Achievement Awards (co-curricular activities)
- Leadership Training (One semester)
- BMCC Academy of Leadership and Service
- BOLT program for freshmen
- Peer Mentoring Program for mentors and mentees
- Workshops and Seminars
- Career Development Workshops (Attend 3)
- Fit Mind (Counseling Center) Workshops (Attend 2)
- Degree Under Three program (Member)
- CREAR Futuros program (Mentee)
- Moneyworks: Financial Literacy Workshops (Attend 3)
- Freshman Year Experience Workshops (Attend 6)
- BMCC Heritage Month activities: African heritage, Asian heritage, Italian heritage, Latino heritage, LGBTQ pride, Women’s Herstory and more (Attend 2 activities per month)
- BMCC Panther Partners: First Generation Student Mentoring program (Member)
- Urban Male Leadership Academy (Member)
- Research (One semester)
- Professional Activities (One semester)
- New Student Programs
- Student Government Association (SGA)
- Urban Male Leadership Academy (Mentor)
- Veterans Services
- Year Up: Workforce Development program
- Performances and Art Showcases
- Presentation of artwork, sculpture, writing, design.
- Performance of theater poetry, dance and other performances
- Global Experience
- Study Abroad (Course enrollment required)
- Argentina, Brazil, China, France, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Spain
- Leadership Retreats
- Regional and National Conferences
- Study Abroad (Course enrollment required)
- Completed Assessments and Certifications
- CPR/First Aid Certification
- Mental Health First Aid Training
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator