Faculty Research: Modern Languages

Professor Consenstein is a member of DifdePo which is doing research program aimed at questioning the “differences of potential” of the group Oulipo through three main angles: history, politics and aesthetics.

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Professor Donoso Macaya’s research interests include Latino/a American photography (theory and history), documentary film, contemporary literature from the Southern Cone and Mexico, and performance art from the Americas. Her work on Latin American photography draws from such fields as visual studies, performance studies, media studies, philosophy and art history. She has published numerous articles about contemporary Latin American literature and visual studies in peer-reviewed journals and collective volumes. Her book manuscript about Chilean photographic practices under dictatorship, provisionally titled Documentary Matter(s): Photographic Practices of Resistance in Chile, 1973-1990, is under contract with U Florida Press.

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Professor Roig is working on a manuscript on Aurora Bertrana´s (1892-1974) narrative, an unknown writer today, but a successful and recognized female author in Catalonia and Spain during the mid-20th century. She is also doing research on writing development with Web 2.0 tools, blogging, in heritage language (HL) instruction – studying how these emerging technologies can help heritage Spanish speakers to produce more native like structures in writing.

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Professor Varderi focuses on the usages of kitsch, mainly through works of artists, novelists and filmmakers. His books of criticism and novels highlight the significance of expressions often overlooked by the dominant culture in Spain, Latin America and the United States.

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