Emergency Notifications

Communicating accurate and timely information has never been a more important necessity than after the tragic situations at Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois University. To better serve the BMCC community, CUNY Alert has been initiated which will allow thousands of simultaneous messages to be sent anywhere using voice and text based technologies.

BMCC strongly urges all members of the BMCC community to sign up for CUNY Alert. You will then receive text, email and/or voice alerts of emergencies or weather related closings on your campus.

It is the goal of BMCC to plan for the safe and orderly evacuation of all individuals, during an emergency. With that goal in mind BMCC conducts drills during the fall, spring and summer semesters.  Drills are conducted both day and night and at the main campuses and at the non-campus locations.


BMCC Public Safety has certified instructors for campus Community Emergency Response Teams: CERT(C-CERT), Fire-Wardens, and AED/CPR plus First-Aid training. This training helps to ensure that we provide a safe and secure environment, and can promise reliable and knowledgeable First Responder assistance to our campus community.

Emergency Management

Once notified of an emergency, the college’s emergency management and incident response teams will establish a command center to coordinate responses with appropriate city, state or federal agencies.

Reporting Emergencies

There are blue BMCC Emergency Call Boxes in the hallways, on each floor. These Call Boxes will connect you directly to BMCC’s Public Safety office.


You can dial: x8080 or (212) 220-8080 which will connect you directly to BMCC’s Public Safety, 24 hours a day.

Timely Warnings

In the event that a situation arises, either on or off campus, that, in the judgment of the President of the College or his/her designee, constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, a campus wide “timely warning” will be issued. The warning will be issued through the College’s Alert Emergency Notification System (i.e. text and email messages) to students, faculty, and staff the warning will be posted on the college’s website and main phone number.