Safety Tips

BMCC is proud of its campus safety and security record. The Public Safety Department recommends the use of these simple, common-sense rules.

1. Walking on/off Campus

If possible avoid walking alone. Walk in welllit areas, Do not take short cuts. When walking to your vehicle, have your keys ready in your hand. Do not carry large sums of money, conspicuous jewelry, or other valuables. Keep your purse tucked closely under your arm.

2. In the Office

If you are working alone during off-hours, keep your doors locked. Inform the Public Safety service of where you are working so that our patrol officers can give that area special attention.

3. In the Classroom

Avoid studying or being alone in inactive areas such as empty classrooms or stairwells.

Other Safety Tips

  • Don’t leave your handbag unattended in the bottom desk drawer unlocked.
    Secure your handbag at all times.
  • Retrieve keys from persons no longer affiliated with your office.
  • Do not leave keys lying around. Report lost keys to the Public Safety Department immediately.
  • Lock your door when leaving the office unattended.
  • Lock up small items such as calculators, radios and tape recorders when not
    in use.
  • Permanently mark portable office equipment such as staplers, electronic pencil sharpeners, calculators, computer software, etc. with the name of the department and room number to which they belong (call the Public Safety Office for items that require marking with an electric engraver).
  • Report all suspicious persons immediately to the Public Safety Department.
  • In the classroom never leave your handbag or briefcase unattended.
  • When taking a break, secure your valuables or take them with you.
  • Park in well lit areas.
  • Always lock your car and take your keys.
  • Always set any alarms or security locks.
  • Remove car radio if possible.
  • Avoid leaving any packages or valuables in open view inside auto.

Every Station has an Off-Hours Waiting Area. Off-Hours Waiting Areas may be located near the station booth, in the middle level in a two-level station, or the platform. Yellow signs usually hung from the ceiling mark these well-lit areas. In stations where you can’t see the platform from the Off-Hours Waiting Area, an electronic sign alerts you to the arrival of a train.

There are closed circuit television cameras in the Off-Hours Waiting Areas.

Avoid waiting at the far end of a platform at any time.

Ride in the conductor’s car in the middle of the night.

At night, NYC TA sometimes runs trains with fewer cars. Look for a black and yellow platform sign that tell you where to board the Conductor’s Car.


  • Be careful not to display money in public.
  • Hold on to your pocketbook when using the shoulder straps.
  • Keep your wallet out of sight and never put your wallet in your rear pocket.
  • Be sure your necklaces and other jewelry are not visible.
  • Do not doze or fall asleep on the train.
  • Do not drink beverages that you do not open yourself.
  • Do not share or exchange drinks with anyone.
  • If someone offers you a drink from the bar at a club or party, accompany the person to the bar to order your drink, watch the drink being poured, and carry the drink yourself.
  • Do not leave your drink unattended while talking, dancing, using the restroom or making a phone call.
  • If you realize that your drink has been left unattended, discard it.
  • Do not drink anything that has an unusual taste or appearance.

Identity theft occurs when a criminal uses another person’s personal information to take on that person’s identity. Identity theft is much more than misuse of a social security number-it can also include credit card, and mail fraud.

Tips for prevention

  • What should I shred?
    “Dumpster Diving” is a popular pastime of identity thieves as it presents many opportunities to find information than can be worth a lot of money. Shred all paperwork that has an account number (bank statements, credit card statements & receipts, utility bills, etc) a signature, your social security number on medical or legal information-as well as pre-approved credit card offers.
  • Never give out your personal information over the phone, unless you have initiated the call and trust the caller.
  • Protect your Social Security Number-this is not a number just anyone can have if they ask, always ask why companies or people might want your Social Security Number.
  • Order your Social Security Earnings and Benefit Statements once a year to check for fraud.
  • Always question the identity of people, and companies that initiate contact with you.
  • Do not carry your extra credit card or important identity documents in your purse or wallet unless it is necessary.
  • Keep a photocopy of all credit cards (both front and back)
  • Never leave your wallet or purse unattended-at work, restaurants, parties etc.
  • Reconcile all bank and credit card accounts immediately when you receive them. Challenge all unauthorized transactions immediately.
  • Always make sure that if you are making transaction from a computer that it is a secure site.
  • Never write down any PIN numbers-memorize them-if you need to write them down, place them in a secure place other than a wallet or purse.
  • Be aware of “shoulder surfers” when you are using your credit card or ATM card.
  • When ever possible keep your card in sight during a transaction.