Math and Literacy Programs

BMCC Language Immersion for International Students (BLIIS)teacher helping students: This program, specifically for BMCC international students, provides intensive instruction in all English skills, especially reading and writing, to prepare you for credit-bearing college courses. You will also gain experience and skill in speaking English in a conversation.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP): These exams allow students to demonstrate college-level achievement in undergraduate college courses. You can earn from three (3) to nine (9) college credits toward a college degree for each CLEP exam taken, depending on the exam subject and the policy of your college or university.

student writing in notebookCUNY Language Immersion Program (CLIP): If English is not your first language and you have been accepted to a CUNY college and the results of your CUNY Assessment tests show you need to take ESL remedial courses before you are ready to take courses for credit, CLIP is for you!

students answering questions in classroomCUNY Start: This is an intensive and affordable semester long program for BMCC students who need to enroll in developmental skills courses. In the CUNY Start Program, you will take Math and/or Reading/Writing as needed and hold your financial aid for credit courses.

man in library studying a bookCUNY Adult Literacy/HSE/ESL Program: These programs are for New York City adults and out-of-school youth. They include:

          • English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL): Designed for immigrants seeking to improve their abilities to speak, understand, read and write the English language.
          • Pre-High School Equivalency (Pre-HSE): Enabling students to improve their reading, writing and mathematics skills, students will be prepared to enter high school equivalency classes.
          • High School Equivalency (HSE) Students improve their reading, writing and math skills through the content areas of science, social studies and literature as examined on the High School Equivalency (HSE) exam.

teacher working with student on problemsMath Start: This 8-12 week program prepares students for success in college by fostering their full math potential. In a social, collaborative learning environment, students get the support they need to increase their understanding of math so that they can meet CUNY’s proficiency standards and thrive as college students.

Ltutor helping studentiteracy Zone: This program provides quality adult literacy and responsive social and educational services to low-income families living on the Lower East Side and in Chinatown. Specific offerings include ESOL classes, GED preparation, Adult Basic Education, academic counseling, family literacy, social services referrals and case management.

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Winter/Spring 2025 Course Catalog