Academic Support

Our tutors and coaches can help you with staying focused and on track. Click on any of the tutors below or log into Upswing. You can also click on the schedule to know when they are available Monday through Friday.

Meet Our Tutors and Coaches

Need help with homework? Writing or speech courses? Test-taking tips? Want to check-in with one of our coaches? Send us an email and we will get back to you.

If you are part of the College Discovery Program (CD), we will provide you with academic support, such as tutoring in a variety of subjects. All CD students who are on academic notice or enrolled in a basic skills (remedial) course are required to register for extra help.

Our academic support is in the traditional one-on-one and small group format depending on tutor availability and students’ need. We have established student-led study groups for students enrolled in the same courses. Please contact our Academic Support Coordinator to register for extra help, or to enroll in a study group.

What is expected of the student?

All students who register for help are expected to attend each session for the entire semester, to be on time for each session, and to be prepared. The learning assistant can be of most help to you when you bring your class notes, textbook, and tell them what you do not understand. Remember that the learning assistants are there to help you and that you bear a great amount of responsibility in the learning process.

Where is it?

CD’s academic support services are administered in the Learning Resource Center, S510. Walk in, make the first left you can, and look for the “College Discovery Academic Support” sign hanging from the ceiling.

Who do I contact to register?

Jessica B. Rodriguez is the interim Academic Program Specialist and is located in room S-340D. Her telephone number is (212) 220-8173, email


For help at home email your questions to You will receive a response within 24 hours or on Monday if you send your question over the weekend.


College Discovery

199 Chambers St, Room S-335
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 220-8152

Office Hours:
9 a.m.-5 p.m.