Become a CD’er

We welcome BMCC students who are interested in joining the College Discovery (CD) program. CD counselors and tutors will work closely with you during your time at BMCC to make sure you have the support and resources to do your best.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for the College Discovery Program, you must:

  • Be a legal resident of NYS for at least one year prior to entering the college
  • Possess a high school diploma or its equivalent (G.E.D.)
  • Meet the financial guidelines
  • Be accepted as a matriculated student at BMCC

How do I apply?

Applicants must complete the Special Programs section of the CUNY Freshman Admission Application to be considered for Special Programs such as College Discovery. It is important to note that the selection process for Special Programs is similar to a “lottery” and that all who apply are not accepted. Early submission of the admissions application is essential for consideration

What are my responsibilities?

  • Every freshman student must complete 2/3 of all remedial requirements the first year.
  • Every student must successfully complete 50% of courses for which he/she registers in a given semester.
  • Every student must complete 19 credits by the end of the 3rd semester attendance.
  • Any student whose GPA is below 2.0 must apply for academic support in the subjects in which he/she may be having difficulty.
  • Each student is responsible for keeping himself/herself informed and currently up to date with the activities of the program.
  • Each student must consult his/her counselor before dropping or adding a course or changing curriculum.
  • Every College Discovery student on academic notice is required to participate in the P.E.P (Personal Enrichment Program) Workshops.
  • All CD Students must annually file the FAFSA from (Pell) in order to be eligible for book money and other kinds of financial assistance, including stipends. Failure to do so leads to termination from the program.

Does a student have to go to class in order to receive their College Discovery stipend check?

Yes. Checks will be issued only to those students who are regularly attending classes. A student who is not attending classes regularly may have their check withheld and is in danger of being dropped from the program.

Do I pay for fees and books?

No. As a CD student, the program will pay your student activities fees. You may also receive a stipend books if you are eligible.

College Discovery

199 Chambers St, Room S-335
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 220-8152

Office Hours:
9 a.m.-5 p.m.