Mathematics and Sciences for Secondary Education (A.S.)

BMCC Admissions


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Teaching math, science or social studies in secondary schools is an important and fulfilling career. You can help secondary school students learn to understand and appreciate a subject you know well plus share that knowledge with others.

The Secondary Education Program will provide you with a solid foundation in the liberal arts and sciences, as well as educational foundations and subject concentration courses. The Secondary Education Program offers the choice of a major focusing in five teaching subject areas:

The courses in all five secondary education majors provide beginning preparation for later studies at a senior college, with the ultimate goal of obtaining initial New York State certification for secondary school teachers (in the specific subject concentration of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Social Studies).

Students in the Secondary Education Program will need to continue their academic work at a senior college after completing their degree at BMCC and to obtain a BA degree, along with other state requirements, to become a certified teacher.

Transfer Options

Our Secondary Education Program has an articulation agreement with Lehman College within CUNY.  Our SED-Math program articulates to  NYC Tech. Transfer options for SES (Social Studies) includes Hunter College. Upon completion of the program requirements in either SEM, SEB, SEC or the SEP major, an Associate of Science (A.S.) in Secondary Education degree is awarded.

Note for Non-Majors and Liberal Arts Majors:

All secondary education foundations courses may be taken as electives by students who wish to continue in teacher education at a four-year college but who are not enrolled in any of the BMCC secondary education degree majors. In addition, for Liberal Arts Majors, secondary education foundations courses can be taken to fulfill the Liberal Arts career credit requirements.

Explore Careers

BMCC is committed to  students’ long-term success and will help you explore professional opportunities. Undecided? No problem. The college offers Career Coach for salary and employment information, job postings and a self-discovery assessment to help students find their academic and career paths. Visit Career Express to make an appointment with a career advisor, search for jobs or sign-up for professional development activities with the Center for Career Development. Students can also visit the Office of Internships and Experiential Learning to gain real world experience in preparation for a four-year degree and beyond. These opportunities are available to help BMCC students build a foundation for future success.

Explore career paths for Mathematics and Sciences for Secondary Education (pdf)

Teacher Education Department

199 Chambers Street, Room S-616
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 220-1274

Office Hours
9 a.m.-5 p.m