LEAP to Teacher

LEAP to Teacher is a collaborative program between the CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies  and Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC). The LTT program’s mission is to empower participants to become more effective in their schools and more impactful in their communities. LTT provides a set of free specialized support services to all school and daycare workers pursuing a degree to advance their careers in teaching or any other fields at BMCC and six other Leap to Teacher partnering CUNY colleges.

The LEAP to Teacher program at BMCC serves as a central resource for paraprofessionals who have admissions questions or concerns about any aspects of their learning journey at BMCC. Our LEAP to Teacher coordinator helps students to embark upon and complete their degrees in a timely fashion and without undue stress.

Eligibility for Leap to Teacher

To be part of the Leap to Teacher program at Borough of Manhattan Community College and receive free services, you must be:

  • Currently working in a PreK-12 school or daycare setting
  • Attending or planning to attend Borough of Manhattan Community College

Program Benefits

Leap to Teacher support services are free and include:

College Entrance

  • Pre-admissions advisement
  • Pre-college ESOL courses
  • College preparation courses

Funding College

  • Assistance with financial aid, scholarships, and grant opportunities
  • Union educational benefits

Academic and Career

  • Academic and Career Advancement
  • Tutoring and writing support
  • Transfer assistance to a degree program upon graduation
  • Professional Development with CTLE Hours

Free Workshops

  • Teacher certification exam prep information and workshops
  • How to become a Paraprofessional
  • Workshops to support student success

To join the Leap to Teacher program

  • For Current BMCC students
    Fill out the the Leap to Teacher registration form and Ms. Adman ,our Leap to Teacher Program Specialist will contact you.
  • For Prospective students:
    To learn more about the Leap to Teacher program and its services, attend one of our monthly Leap to Teacher Open House Sessions or fill out the inquiry form, and Ms. Adman will contact you to set up a zoom or in-person meeting.

Learn more about the BMCC Leap to Teacher Program at the CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies.