Why Pay Out-of-State Tuition?
Select the option that best describes you:
To qualify for In-City Resident Tuition; students must have attended a New York State high school for 2 or more years and received a diploma (or received a GED from the state of New York) within 5 years of applying to any CUNY school.
Ready to submit your application? Let’s get started!
Step 1- If you have not already done so, setup your BMCC Portal Account Click Here
Step 2- If you need login help contact Service Desk Click Here
Step 3- Submit your residency application (By using BMCC Email credentials) Click Here
Important Note: BMCC will not make residency determinations retroactively for prior semesters and will not issue refunds to students even in cases where they would have qualified for the resident rate if they had submitted timely documentation- you should submit your application before the semester begins to ensure accurate billing and financial aid.
To qualify for In-City Resident Tuition; students must possess an approved citizenship/immigration status, reside in New York State for 12 months before the semester starts, and reside in New York City for 6 months before the semester starts.
Ready to submit your application? Let’s get started!
Step 1- If you have not already done so, setup your BMCC Portal Account Click Here
Step 2- If you need login help contact Service Desk Click Here
Step 3- View Required Proof of Address Checklist: Click Here and then submit your residency application (By using BMCC Email credentials) Click Here
Additional Information:
Important Note: BMCC will not make residency determinations retroactively for prior semesters and will not issue refunds to students even in cases where they would have qualified for the resident rate if they had submitted timely documentation- you should submit your application before the semester begins to ensure accurate billing and financial aid.
As a resident in the State of New York, you may qualify to receive the In-City tuition rate by submitting a B-81 County Certificate to the Bursar’s Office.
Submit your residency application (By using BMCC Email credentials) Click Here
Important Note: BMCC will not make residency determinations retroactively for prior semesters and will not issue refunds to students even in cases where they would have qualified for the resident rate if they had submitted timely documentation- you should submit your application before the semester begins to ensure accurate billing and financial aid.
You may still qualify for the In-City tuition rate, even if you live outside New York State. However, you must provide proof that you are a member of one of the following groups. If you are not in one of these groups, you will pay the Out-of-State tuition rate until you meet the criteria for In-City Residency.
Effective Spring, 2015, individuals who are eligible for educational assistance under federal GI bills will be charged the in-state rate at the CUNY senior colleges and the in-city rate at the CUNY community colleges. This includes individuals who served in active military, naval or air service and members of the National Guard and reservists who meet the requirements for benefits under federal GI bills. A veteran who meets the above eligibility criteria is entitled to the in-state or in-city rate even if he or she is not actually receiving benefits under a federal GI bill. In order to prove veteran status, a student must provide U.S. Department of Defense Form DD214 or a Certificate of Eligibility from the U.S. Department of Defense or the Veterans Administration.
Family Members of Certain Uniformed Service Members
In certain cases, spouses and dependents of veterans or other uniformed service members are also entitled to educational assistance under federal GI bills. Effective Spring, 2015, spouses and dependents who are eligible for educational assistance under federal GI bills are also entitled to the in-state or in-city rate. Generally, these are the spouses or dependents of service members who died or were disabled by their service, or to whom the veteran has transferred his/her veteran’s educational benefits. Note that a student who was the spouse or dependent child of a service member at the time the educational assistance was transferred would be entitled to the resident rate, even if he/she is not currently a spouse or dependent child (for example in the case of a divorce.) In order to prove status as a child or spouse of veteran, the child or spouse must provide a Certificate of Eligibility from the U.S. Department of Defense or the Veterans Administration.
Service Members and Family Members Stationed In New York
Members of the armed forces of the United States on a full-time active duty station in the State of New York, and their spouses and dependent children, who enroll at a CUNY college, shall be charged the in-state tuition rate. Such students shall continue to be charged the in-state rate at CUNY even if they are subsequently discharged from military service.
United Nations Personnel
Foreign nationals employed by the United Nations, wishing to take advantage of the University’s resident tuition rates, must present verification of their status as: 1) employee of the United Nations, 2) the spouse, or 3) a dependent of a United Nation employee. The verification required is at least an annual certification from the Office of Human Resources Management. It is recommended, however, that confirmation be obtained from the Personnel Officer at the United Nations each semester because employment status can change rather frequently. The employees, spouses of employees and dependent children of employees of the United Nations shall be deemed to be residents of New York City.
Exchange Students
The University’s resident tuition rate may be applicable to a student of another college or university outside of New York State, which, in exchange, grants its resident tuition rate to the CUNY student. Evidence of satisfactory educational qualifications must be presented and the approval of the CUNY College’s president or designee is required.
Children of Certain CUNY and New York City Employees
On June 14, 1976, the Board passed a resolution stating that “a child of a member of the permanent staff of the Board, or a child of a deceased or retired member of such staff who had served for more than five years on an annual salary, or a child of an employee of New York City or of a City agency who is required to live outside New York City in the performance of his/her official duties shall be charged resident rates”.
The definition of who is considered permanent staff of the Board is set forth in Section 6.2 of the Bylaws of the CUNY Board of Trustees. Under Section 6.2, this staff consists of persons who have been granted tenure in tenure-eligible titles, including but not limited to professors, associate professors, and assistant professors (including those in medical and law professor titles), college laboratory technician titles; and teachers and other tenure-bearing titles at the Hunter College Campus Schools.
- Citizen/Immigration Document Checklist (PDF)
- CUNY Tuition and Fee Manual – Part IV. Residency
- Residency Form PartB (PDF)
Any student who receives a negative residency determination must, along with this determination, receive a copy of the college’s appeal procedures. If the student wishes to appeal a negative residency determination, he/she must notify the Registrar’s Office (or other designated college appeal office) within ten days of notification that he/she has been determined to be a non-resident. At that time, the student may submit a statement to the Registrar (or other designated official) indicating why he/she disagrees with the college’s decision. Upon submission of an appeal, the student will be provided with a copy, stamped “received” and the date, or some other dated proof of the college’s receipt of the appeal. The Registrar (or other designated official) will submit the residency form, copies of all documentation provided by the student and any statement made by the student, along with the college’s determination, to the University’s Office of the Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs and General Counsel. The colleges will not make residency determinations retroactively and will not issue refunds to students even in cases where they would have qualified for the resident rate if they had submitted timely documentation.