Can my parents ever get out of repaying this loan?

There are certain exceptional circumstances, such as the borrower’s death or permanent disability, which can result in the discharge or cancellation of your parents’ Direct PLUS Loan. A discharge would release them from all obligations to repay. A complete list of discharge conditions can be found in the Student Loan Deferment and Cancellation Summaries page.Remember that a PLUS loan cannot be discharged because you, the student, didn’t complete your program of study or couldn’t find a job after graduation.

Also note that your parents cannot transfer a PLUS Loan debt over to you, the student. The parent is responsible for the repaying this loan.

Repayment assistance may be available to your parents if you serve in the military. For more information about repayment assistance, consult your recruiting officer.

For more information about discharge or repayment assistance, your parents should contact Federal Student Loan Servicing.

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