Requirements and Eligibility

First-Time Freshman

  • All remedial requirements completed
  • Minimum College Admissions Average (CAA) of 90

Continuing Students

  • All remedial requirements completed
  • Minimum 3.5 GPA and at least 12 credits completed at BMCC

Transfer Students

  • Remediation free
  • Minimum 3.5 GPA
  • At least 12 credits completed at BMCC
  • Have at least 3 semesters to complete degree at BMCC

Program Guidelines

  • Enroll in 1 honors course in first semester of program
  • Enroll in no more than 2 honors courses in any subsequent semester
  • Maintain an overall minimum GPA of 3.5

Students whose overall GPA falls below 3.5 will be placed on honors pause. Students have 1 semester to improve overall GPA in order to stay in the program.

Honors Designation Criteria

  • Complete 4 honors courses with a minimum grade of “B” for each course
    • At least 2 courses, but no more than 3, must be general education courses;
    • At least 1, but no more than 2, must be major requirement courses;
    • At least 3 of the 4 courses must be Honors Scholars Program courses or honors-enhanced courses (no more than 2 courses can be completed through the honors contract)
  • Have a minimum cumulative 3.5 GPA

Students that have passed the course, will receive an “H” designation on their transcript next to the course. If the student receives a grade of B or higher for the course, it will count towards graduating from BMCC as an Honors Scholar.