Honors courses have a course cap of 25 students and require an additional three learning outcomes (two required, one from a choice of four) as shown on the application form. After having determined how you wish to implement these additional requirements, you must receive the approval of your department chair and of the Provost or Associate Provost before submitting your application to the BMCC Honors Scholars committee for review.
Process of creating Honors Courses
- Faculty should discuss the prospective Honors class with their department chair/coordinator and secure their signature on the Application to Pilot an Honors Course Form.
- The signed Application to Pilot an Honors Course form should be submitted to the Director of the BMCC Honors Scholars Program to be added to the Honors Curriculum Development training schedule.
- As part of the training, faculty will develop an Honors course in his/her discipline, which will be reviewed by the Honors Training Instructor and approved as meeting all requirements. This certification allows faculty to develop additional Honors courses in the future. All future Honors and Honors-enhanced courses must be submitted to the BMCC Honors Scholars Committee for review and approval.
Honors Courses must meet the following two student learning outcomes (SLOs):
- Communicate clearly, knowledgeably, and effectively in written, spoken, visual, oral, and technological modes for a variety of purposes, with different audiences in various contexts, using appropriate formats and technologies.
- Conceive, plan and execute a high quality (multi) disciplinary research, creative, or applied project, using multiple modes and/or technologies, including qualitative methods and other modes of inquiry and research appropriate to the project.
In addition, the course must meet at least one of the following SLOs:
- Use cross-disciplinary higher order thinking skills, select and organize credible evidence, and solve academic problems using discipline-specific strategies.
- Through independent learning and collaborative study, attain, use and develop knowledge in the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences, with disciplinary specialization and the ability to integrate information across disciplines.
- Demonstrate an ability to engage in leadership, service, and cultural activities.
- Demonstrate an ability to give constructive criticism and accept feedback as part of the process of peer review.