How Credits Transfer

We recommend that you complete the associate degree prior to transferring, as it is more likely that all earned BMCC credits will transfer with you. If you do not earn your degree, it is common for the receiving college to evaluate each course individually to determine equivalence and transferability. Students are strongly encouraged to save all course syllabi to support transfer credit evaluations.

CUNY to CUNY Transfer Credits

Courses that fulfill a Common Core requirement are guaranteed to transfer and satisfy the Common Core in all CUNY baccalaureate programs. You may also be wondering about the course equivalencies at other CUNY colleges. Use the Transfer Explorer tool to see how courses will transfer across the CUNY system.




Now you know what the equivalents are, but how will the courses fulfill your degree requirements? Use the Transfer What-If feature in DegreeWorks to see how courses may apply toward your baccalaureate degree.

CUNY to SUNY Transfer Credits

All SUNY colleges have general education requirements similar to CUNY’s Common Core. Many Common Core courses will transfer, however, there is no guarantee. The SUNY college you select will evaluate your transcript to determine course equivalencies.

Completing the associate degree at BMCC is still advised because SUNY waives the $50 application fee for up to seven college choices for transfer students graduating with an associate degree from a CUNY college and who apply directly to SUNY.

CUNY to Other Public/Private Institutions

The transferability of credits from BMCC to a non-CUNY institution cannot be guaranteed unless there is a signed articulation agreement. CUNY students, however, are valued by many institutions. To attract students, they endeavor to transfer many, if not all, previously earned credits.

Academic Advisement and Transfer Center

199 Chambers St, Room S-108
New York, NY 10007

Phone: (212) 220-8315

Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.