BMCC Community,

Please join me and the members of Cabinet in extending best wishes to John Montanez, Dean of the Office of Sponsored Programs, who has recently decided to retire. John joined BMCC in 1987 and has worked to upgrade processes and programming for the College’s Enrollment Management and Admissions efforts. His last day is June 15, 2021.
In the interim, BMCC has secured the services of the Hanover Research Group, a national resource development consulting firm, to assist faculty and staff in identifying potential funding opportunities and providing technical support with proposal development.
As Dean, John has been responsible for identifying potential funding sources as well as initiating, writing and coordinating the preparation of large institutional proposals. An experienced administrator, John has brought a solid background of leadership and management to BMCC, overseeing an annual (grants) portfolio of $10 million.
In recent years, John worked closely with faculty and staff in developing numerous college-wide initiatives aimed at promoting student success and developing new flagship programs for the college. From 1987 to 1992, he served as BMCC’s Director of Continuing Education and was responsible for overseeing both tuition-based and workforce development programs. He participated in city wide efforts to established linkages with key agencies in the public, as well as private sector, which led to the development of initiatives in the area of Business (IBM AS/400 Training), Health Services (Emergency Medical Technician), Child Care and Adult Literacy.
Prior to joining BMCC, Montanez served as the Special Assistant to the President at Hostos Community College, overseeing enrollment management and strategic planning.
BMCC thanks John for his years of dedicated service, and we wish him well in his retirement.
Anthony E. Munroe
President, Borough of Manhattan Community College