The President’s Fund for Excellence and Innovation (the “Fund”) has been established through the generous and ground-breaking donation of philanthropist and author MacKenzie Scott, in recognition and support of the exceptional mission and success of BMCC. It is anticipated that as stewards of the Fund for future generations, the Fund will grow through other contributions and prudent investment. A large corpus of the Fund will be invested, with some amount of investment returns (and where appropriate some of the corpus) to be expended annually — when appropriate uses and projects are identified, including (but not limited to) those identified through this process.
The Fund will be utilized to boost BMCC’s efforts to improve student learning and success, enhance research and knowledge creation, and advance socioeconomic mobility through the transformative power of education. The Fund will support and allow for strategic investment in innovative projects, initiatives, and programming that advance the College’s mission, moves BMCC towards realization of the vision, and honors Ms. Scott’s desire to focus on basic needs, equity and inclusion, economic mobility, and support for the demographic population served by BMCC/ minoritized communities.