Appendix A: Phase I Steering Committee Membership
- Karrin Wilks, Interim President (Ex-Officio)
- Joel Barker, Accounting
- James Berg, Associate Dean of Faculty
- Sangeeta Bishop, Chair – Department of Social Sciences, Academic Senate President
- Cheryl Comeau-Kirschner, English
- Marva Craig, Vice President for Student Affairs
- Janet Esquirol, Media Arts and Technology
- Joseph Ginese, New and First Year Students Programs
- Sunil Gupta, Dean of Adult and Continuing Education
- Eda Henao, Modern Languages
- Michael Hutmaker, Dean of Student Affairs
- Yevgeniy Milman, Math
- Mahatapa Palit, Chair – Department of Business Management
- Lesley Rennis, Chair – Department of Health Education
- Christopher Shults, Dean for Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning
- Deanne Southwell, Executive Director of ASAP
- Carei Thomas, Director of the AATC
- Diane Walleser, Vice President for Enrollment Management
- Janice Walters, Chair – Department of Teacher Education
- Kristin Waters, Director of Enrollment Management Services
- Erwin Wong, Acting Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs
Appendix B: Phase I Design Team Membership
Designing Career Maps
Co-Chairs: Sunil Gupta, Lesley Rennis & Mahatapa Palit
Christopher Stein, Sharon Reid, Yaritza Gonzalez, Thierry Thesatus, Julie Waldner, Sharon Brickman, Don Wei, Gabrielle Lloyd, Ahmed Wing, Harry Mars, Cynthia Lam, Hossannah Asuncion, Achraf Seyam, Laura Tandy, Chun-Yi Peng, Michelle Wang, Eugenia Yau
Implementing Career Communities
Co-Chairs: Eda Henao, Janet Esquirol & Michael Hutmaker
Christopher Rafinski, Manny Romero, Driada Rivas, Beth Cooperman, Nancy Bocanegra, Elizabeth Yan, Chris Losco, Daniel Burke, Betsy Hansel, Rosa Martinez, Kayla Maryles, John Gallagher, Robin Brown, Joshua Perez
Redesigning Onboarding
Co-Chairs: Joel Barker, Kristin Waters & Deanne Southwell
Maketa Barber, Bryce Tolbert, Meghan Cook, Jose Altamirano, Stephanie Chez, Allana Burke, Gus Kanellopoulos, Rosslynn Pieters, Lisa Kasper, Penny Jordan, Chris Medellin, Tanya Brown, Cicely Acosta, Antonette McCain, Rahana Belle-Jerome, Sharena Kevelier, Brian Henley, Christine Orbeta
Designing 1st Year Success
Co-Chairs: Janice Walters, Carei Thomas & Joseph Ginese
Denise Deagan, Lashallah Osborne, Joyinn Paulin, Sara Crosby, Pedro Perez, Tiffany James, Mohammad Alam, Barbara Lawrence, Rosanne Ragone, Louis Chan, Katherine Bedoya, Carlos Hernandez, Katie Figueroa, Janice Zummo, Greg Farrell, Musa Elbulok, Sangeeta Bishop, Sarah Salm, Irene Cheng, Ruth Guirguis, Benjamin Powell, Jennifer Gilken, Leslie Craigo, Christine Jacknick, Jennifer Escobosa, Margaret Eisenberg, Shenique Davis, Jennifer Cachola, Tamica Farley, Sally Luong, Sharell Walker, Darryl Brock, Daria Ollivierre, Franklin Winslow
Designing Pedagogy and Research for Student Success
Co-Chairs: Cheryl Comeau-Kirschner, Yevgeniy Milman & Jim Berg
Lauren Goodwyn, Christina Waszak, Karen Ehrlich, Deborah Harte, Cecily Horsham-Braithwaite, Audrey Nasar, Tali Noimann, Abel Navarro, Alona Bach, Gina Cherry, Tracy Bealer, Maria Pagan-Rivera, Mindi Reich-Shapiro, Sharon Avni, Jill Strauss, Kirsten Cole, Jean Amaral, Sahana Sen, Anthony Bishop, John Beaumont, Lisa Panzera, Thomas Harbison, Jen Longley
Appendix C: Phase II Steering Committee Membership
- Karrin Wilks, Interim President (Ex-Officio)
- Christopher Shults, Dean for Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning (Chair)
- Erika Carlson, Associate Director of Assessment (Ex-Officio)
- Tzu-Wen Cheng, Chair – Department of Speech, Communications, and Theatre Arts
- Marva Craig, Vice-President for Student Affairs (Cabinet Liaison)
- Gregory Farrell, Director of the Learning Resource Center
- Jose Flores, Director of Workforce Development Programs
- Joseph Ginese, New and First Year Students Programs
- Sunil Gupta, Dean of Adult and Continuing Education (Cabinet Liaison)
- Deborah Harte, Director of Single Stop
- Eda Henao, Modern Languages
- Michael Hutmaker, Dean of Student Affairs (Cabinet Liaison)
- Syreeta McFadden, English
- Mahatapa Palit, Chair – Department of Business Management
- Lesley Rennis, Chair – Department of Health Education
- Michelle Ronda, Program Coordinator – Criminal Justice
- Christopher Thunberg, Director of the Center for Career Development
- Diane Walleser, Vice President for Enrollment Management (Cabinet Liaison)
- Kristin Waters, Director of Enrollment Management Services
- Erwin Wong, Acting Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs (Cabinet Liaison)
- Janice Zummo, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (Cabinet Liaison)
Appendix D: Phase II Committee Membership
Redesign the New Student Experience
Co-Chairs: Tzu-Wen Cheng and Kristin Waters, Lesley
Cabinet Liaison: Diane Walleser
Ray Bartholomew, Erik Freas, Thomas Harbison, Julie Waldner, Bakary Sagna, Kathleen Dreyer, Bryce Tolbert, Jonathan Matamoros, Olivia Harris, Mohammad Azhar, Christine Orbeta, Allana Burke, Lashallah Burgess, Christopher Cyril, Rosslynn Pieters, Adan Rivera, Benjamin Powell, Robert Park, Stacy Cummins, Brian Haller, Ricardo Julien, Lisa Kasper, Albert Lee
Improve Learning and Engagement in the First Year
Co-Chairs: Mahatapa Palit and Joseph Ginese
Cabinet Liaison: Erwin Wong
Cynthia G. Blayer, Francki Elve, Bryan T. Dowling, Sara Crosby, Deanne Southwell, Carei Thomas, Scott Tulloch, Tamer Avcilar, Jessica Levin, Mariana Torres, Eliza Osae-Kwapong, Kathleen Offenholley, Lane Glisson, Brett F. Whysel, Francisco Delgado, Ian Wentworth, Naseer Alomari, Janet E. Esquirol, Christine Priano, Catarina Mata, Jennifer Cachola, Page Delano, Elisa Koniski (Academic Literacy and Linguistics, Julo Conte, Danesh Singh, Ewa Barnes, Kristina Borowski
Integrate Career Development throughout the Student Experience
Co-Chairs: Lesley Rennis and Christopher Thunberg
Cabinet Liaison: Michael Hutmaker
La Dana Jenkin, Beth Cooperman, Heather James, Julian Schroeder, Donna McLean-Grant, Jennifer Gilken, Michael Doris, Gloria McNamara, Phillip Keefe, Teresa B. Darwich Alcaraz, Chamutal Noimann, Lynn McGee, Lisa A. Grace, Jessica Spalter, Sharon Brickman, Rukiya Goddard, Yaritza Gonzalez, Chin-Song Wei, Glenda G. Blakely, Carlos Chaparro, Maryam Vatankhah, Driada Rivas, Anjeanette Ridley, Sarah Salm, Alfonso Bravo
Improve Completion and Transfer Rates through Integrated Support Services
Co-Chairs: Eda Henao and Gregory Farrell
Cabinet Liaison: Janice Zummo
Josephine T. Pujols, Anthony Bishop, Gia N. Blackwell, Daniel Burke, Ross Anthony Tippit, Leslie Craigo, Victoria Apostol-Marius, Maketa Barber, Christopher Medellin, Karen Ehrlich, Joshua Belknap, Fortune Attardo, Danielle Alvarez, Daniela Bardac-Vlada, Elisabeth Jaffe, Timothy Leonard, Leigh Somerville, Nandrani Algu, Rosa Martinez, Jordan Evans, Paul Shively, Amber Yiu-Hsuan Liao, Pauline Gacanja, Alex Pereira, Pedro Perez, Harry Mars
Strengthen our Culture of Care for Students, Faculty, and Staff
Co-Chairs: Syreeta McFadden and Deborah Harte
Cabinet Liaison: Marva Craig
Jorge Yafar, Meagan C. Dunphy, Kanu Nagra, Venita Andrews, Katherine V. Baish, John Gallagher, Jennifer Escobosa, Gina Cherry, Ashtian Holmes, Kelly Rodgers, Nkechi M. Agwu, Tylisha Story, Michael Korn, Maureen H. Keenan, Terri Ellis, Christina Waszak, Kadie Radics, Wilfred Cotto, Leticia Dinkins, Ana Fernandez, Benjamin Haas, Maria Deckinger, Jorge Florez, Robert Cortes, Samantha Gioia, Kirsten Cole, Angela Florschuetz, Tiffany G. James, Tammie Velasquez
Strengthen BMCC’s Role in a Thriving NYC and as a Leading Community College Nationally
Co-Chairs: Michelle Ronda and Jose Flores
Cabinet Liaison: Sunil Gupta
Siddharth Ramakrishnan, Manuel Romero, Antonette McKain, Sharon Reid, Huda Ayyad, Douglas Israel, Laurie Lomask, Kayla Maryles, Edna Asknes, Eric Lugo, Joel Barker, Chris McCarthy, Marcelle Edinboro, Oluremi Alapo, Lisa Panzera, Yuanzeng Lu, Mitchelle Henriques, Cynthia Wiseman, Mindi Reich-Shapiro, Jennifer Longley, Lisa White, Adam Li, Katherine Kavanagh, Thierry Thesatus, Chirag B. Raval
Appendix E: Glossary of Terms
BMCC’s meta-major structure that aligns academic programming and career exploration within a learning community model
Students entering BMCC with a CAA of 70 or less
Refers to the necessities that humans need to live such as food, shelter, and transportation
College Admissions Average (similar to a high school GPA)
An initiative from the Institute for Evidence Based Change (IEBC) designed to help staff and faculty incorporate caring behaviors associated with enhancing student success and reducing equity gaps
The official student record of involvement in recognized educational activities that occur outside of the classroom
The opportunity for students to participate as a member of a proven, defined community in a shared set of experiences, curriculum, or activities and can include comprehensive formal programs (i.e. ASAP, BLA, CD), affinity groups (i.e. UMLA, Panther Partners, Project Impact), and groups established within the Academic and Career Communities
BMCC’s early alert and communication system (also known as Starfish)
The awarding of academic credit for recognized, relevant, and documented non-college based learning, life experiences, and service
An approach to both teaching and student support that is rooted in human development research and focuses on recognizing and embracing diversity as an asset within the teaching and learning environment
A federally funded program that provides part-time BMCC employment for students
First-Year Experience refers to academic and student support programming designed to help students transition from secondary to postsecondary education
BMCC’s virtual helpdesk and online chat support system
BMCC’s student success management system (also known as EAB)
The methods, approaches, and techniques used inside and outside of the classroom to teach
A learning support model based on students helping to facilitate the learning of other students
A learning support model based on the formal partnership between faculty and student leaders that includes in-class observations, tutoring, and mentoring
A teaching and student support approach based on recognizing and responding to the impacts of trauma on the life of the student
Appendix F: Divisional Operational Planning Matrix