To become a mathematics tutor in the BMCC Math Lab, an applicant should do the following:
1. Fill out the Math Lab Tutor Application. You may also obtain one copy from the reception desk in the Math Lab (Room S-535).
2. Return the completed application, and attach all your college transcripts to any of the reception personnel or the college lab technicians in the Math Lab (Room S-535).
Before being interviewed, applicants will have to pass the tutoring certification tests. There are two exams, one for basic math through pre-calculus, and a second for higher level math. The second exam will be based on the subject area in which the students want to be certified.
- Have taken at least two college-level math courses can apply but will have to pass the tutoring certificate before being interviewed for this position.
- Does not have to be a BMCC student. Anyone can apply for this tutor position if they meet the minimum requirement.
- It is a part-time position
- Tutors can work up to 19 hours per week.
- Salary for tutors is based on the highest degree they have earned *
- Work may be in person or remote, based on the needs of the math lab
* Applicants can be students or graduates of two or four year colleges as well as current BMCC students.
- Email or Alioune Seye at with questions.