The Associate of Applied Sciences (A.A.S.) in Computer Information Systems focuses on the application of computers in a business environment with an emphasis on the analysis and design of business information systems. Upon successful completion of this program, graduates can either enter the workforce in entry-level positions or transfer to senior colleges, including New York City College of Technology and CUNY School of Professional Studies, to continue their undergraduate education.
Learn more about internships, summer jobs and extra-curricular activities offered by the CIS Department.
Transfer Options
BMCC has articulation agreements with several four year colleges to allow you to seamlessly continue your education there.
Explore Careers
BMCC is committed to students’ long-term success and will help you explore professional opportunities. Undecided? No problem. The college offers Career Coach for salary and employment information, job postings and a self-discovery assessment to help students find their academic and career paths. Visit Career Express to make an appointment with a career advisor, search for jobs or sign-up for professional development activities with the Center for Career Development. Students can also visit the Office of Internships and Experiential Learning to gain real world experience in preparation for a four-year degree and beyond. These opportunities are available to help BMCC students build a foundation for future success.
Computer Information Systems Academic Program Maps
Required Common Core
Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning
- This course covers basic algebraic and trigonometric skills, algebraic equations, and functions. Topics include: mathematical induction, complex numbers, and the binomial theorem.
Prerequisite: MAT 157 or MAT 157.5
Course Syllabus
- This course integrates Intermediate Algebra and Trigonometry with Precalculus. Topics include properties of real numbers, polynomials and factoring, equations and inequalities in one and two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities, rational expressions and functions, rational exponents and roots, quadratic functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and trigonometric functions.
Prerequisite: Elementary Algebra (MAT 51 or MAT 12) or the equivalent with departmental approval or placement into Intermediate Algebra (MAT 56)
Please note: Tuition for this corequisite course is charged by the equated credit (hours) not per credit.
Course Syllabus
- This is an integrated course in analytic geometry and calculus, applied to functions of a single variable. It covers a study of rectangular coordinates in the plane, equations of conic sections, functions, limits, continuity, related rates, differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions, Rolle's Theorem, the Mean Value Theorem, maxima and minima, and integration.
Prerequisite: MAT 206 or MAT 206.5
Course Syllabus
Life and Physical Sciences
- This course introduces students to the world beyond the earth. The methods of astronomy and our knowledge of the structure of the universe are presented as an ongoing human endeavor that has helped shape modern man as he/she takes his/her first steps into space.
Course Syllabus
- This course serves as an introduction to Physics, especially for students who are not science-oriented. A selected number of basic physical ideas are carefully examined and interpreted non-mathematically. The relevance of the scientist and his/her work to the lives of non-scientists is continually examined.
Course Syllabus
Flexible Core
Choose 3 credits from 1 of the following areas:
- This course introduces the student to the principles and theories of computation and information processing. The topics include hardware and software organization, data representation, algorithm development and networking principles. Special emphasis will be placed on creation of knowledge from data; the impact of computation on daily life; role of abstraction in solving problems; and implementation of algorithms on a variety of platforms including the Internet.
- This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer programming using a high-level programming language. The topics include program design, algorithm development using various control structures, modularization, debugging and documentation.
Prerequisite: CSC 101, GIS 101 or Departmental Approval
Course Syllabus
- This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts and terms of computer science, including algorithms, problem solving techniques, data types, concept of loops, conditional statements, modular programming, pointers, arrays, strings, basic file processing, structures and simple classes. Students will use a high-level computer programming language to solve a variety of problems. Prerequisite: MAT 206 and [CSC 101 or departmental approval]
Curriculum Requirements
- The course covers the fundamental principles of accounting and the practical use of accounting tools and techniques. Topics covered include the definition and scope of accounting, accounting records and processes, books of original and subsequent entry, work sheets, adjusting and closing entries, accounting for cash, accounting for negotiable instruments, and accounting for plant assets. An investigation is made of accounting for service businesses and trading concerns.
Note: ACC 122 credit change from 4 credits to 3 credits, effective spring 2014.
Course Syllabus - This course surveys business and industry in the United States with global growth strategy. Emphasis is placed on building Communication and Quantitative skills, including Excel spreadsheets, and an Ethical Foundation. The course introduces students to concepts in Management, Organizational Structure, Human Resources, Marketing, International Business, Finance, Computer Information Systems, Accounting, and Economics, and encourages students to explore career paths. Required of all Business majors.
Course Syllabus - This course is an introductory course in telecommunications networks. It covers the fundamentals of networking concepts, such as networking media, topology, switching, and management. It will also include an introduction to Open System Interface (OSI) layered organization and the functionality of each layer.
Prerequisite: CSC 110 or CIS 165 or CSC 111 or Departmental Permission
Course Syllabus - This course introduces students to client-side web programming. Emphasis is placed on structure, formatting and scripting of web pages as well as manipulation of media elements to solve elementary level application problems. A variety of client-based technologies are introduced to facilitate the understanding of design and programming concepts in a web environment. A final project consisting of the creation of an online application will be developed.
Prerequisite: CSC 110 or CSC 111 or department approval
Course Syllabus - This course introduces the design, implementation, testing, and manipulation of database management systems. The design techniques include conceptual data modeling, entity relational modeling and normalization techniques. The databases are then implemented using structured query languages. Testing strategies verify data integrity, security, and privacy. Manipulation activities include insert, update, and delete operations.
Prerequisite: CSC 110 or CSC 111 or department approval.
Course Syllabus - Students are introduced to the UNIX operating system, its external commands, internal structures, and text processing capabilities.
Prerequisite: CSC 110 or CSC 111 or CIS 165 or Departmental Permission
Course Syllabus - This course introduces students to server-side web programming. Emphasis is placed on database connectivity in order to solve intermediate level application problems using server side programming language. Students will be assigned web projects that facilitate understanding of design and programming of client server concepts. The final project consists of the creation of a web application with input, output, and database components.
Prerequisite: [(CSC 210 or CSC 211) and CIS 385] or departmental approval
Course Syllabus - This advanced course builds upon the design, implementation, testing, and manipulation concepts and techniques learned in CIS 395. The course starts with a review of the relational model, entity relational diagrams, normalization, and basic SQL. Database administration topics presented include security, back-up and recovery. Advanced topics in design techniques include indexing structures and data storage. Advanced implementation topics include SQL programming, store procedure and triggers. Advanced manipulation topics include transaction processing concurrency control.
Prerequisite: CIS 395 or departmental approval
Course Syllabus - This course is a continuation of CSC 110. Students are introduced to elementary data structures, string processing, and searching and sorting techniques. Students are expected to complete several complex programs.
Prerequisite: CSC 110, CSC 111 or departmental approval
Course Syllabus
Please note, these requirements are effective the 2024-2025 catalog year. Please check your DegreeWorks account for your specific degree requirements as when you began at BMCC will determine your program requirements.
- Choose from GIS 101, GIS 201, CIS 359, CIS 362, CIS 364, CIS 459, CIS 490 or CIS 316.
- Choose any ACC, BUS, CIS, CSC, GIS, or MMP course except CIS 100.