Start a Club

Students clubs and organizations, are a vital part of the total BMCC experience and are chartered to serve the diverse needs and interests of our student body. They are avenues for forming friendships, as well as an opportunity for cultural expression, skill career development and leadership training.

Any group of students wishing to organize a club at BMCC is required to register with the Office of Student Activities and be chartered by the Student Government Association. The procedure for doing so is as followed:

  1. Hold elections for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and any other officers necessary to run your organization.
  2. Decide on the name and the purpose of the organization.
  3. Draft and submit a constitution. The club’s constitution should outline the purpose, goals, rules, structure and bylaws of your organization. Guides are attached and samples are available in the Student Activities Office.
  4. Select a Club Advisor. This can be any faculty member at BMCC who shares the interests of the club and who will serve as a resource person for the club. The advisor should be someone who is accessible and available to meet regularly with the club. The club advisor is required to attend all activities sponsored by the club.
  5. Fill out a Start a Club/Register a Club Form.

Note: The academic requirements for club officers are as follows:
– Student must have at least a 2.0 GPA.
– Student must be currently registered for at least 6 BMCC credits.
– Student must have completed at least 12 BMCC credits.

To be chartered or registered at BMCC, a club may not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, color, national or ethic origin, disability, veteran or marital status.

All registered and chartered BMCC clubs are entitled to:

  1. A meeting room during club hours
  2. The opportunity to use college facilities for programs
  3. An opportunity to apply for funding with the Student Government Association
Office of Student Activities (OSA)
(212) 220-8160
Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.