October 24, 2023
Project Impact at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC/CUNY), has been awarded $250,000 by the Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation. The award will support the operations and expansion of Project Impact over the next 18 months.
Now in its fifth year at BMCC, Project Impact provides a close-knit cohort environment for students who are completing their high school equivalency exam, are first-generation college students and low-income. About 80% of Project Impact students identify as having been impacted by the justice system in some way.
“Project Impact is very appreciative of the $250,000 grant we received from the Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation,” says Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for Academic Support Services Janice Zummo, who oversees the program run by Project Impact Assistant Director Olga Milman and Project Impact staff member Kathy Mora.
“This grant reflects continued interest from Petrie in funding the expansion of Project Impact over the next 18 months,” says Dean Zummo. “Anyone who works on a grant-funded project would appreciate the benefit of having an 18-month grant because of the sense of security it provides when planning for the next year and a half.”
Tailored support enables student success
“Project Impact provides justice system impacted, first-generation, and students affected by government systems with the personalized mentorship and support they need to overcome barriers and achieve their academic goals,” says Assistant Director Milman. “We believe in the power of mentorship and provide tailored guidance and support.”
Nearly one in 10 students out of BMCC’s 16,500 total enrollment have been formerly incarcerated, have had a parent or a sibling in the system, experienced issues in family court or have had their lives significantly affected in some other way, by the justice system.
Students who join the Project Impact community work together and with faculty and staff mentors to resolve struggles that act as barriers to completing their education.
The program provides support around academic preparation, preparing for and passing the high school equivalency exam, completing the college registration process, addressing financial issues, finding support for housing and food insecurity, strategizing around childcare issues, finding employment and more.
Outreach builds community connections
Project Impact has taken the lead in maximizing community relationships that benefit students.
In September 2023, Project Impact hosted a Community Based Organization (CBO) Luncheon to welcome current and new partners, share information and collaborate about best practices in serving system-impacted students.
In Fall 2023, an inaugural meeting of the Project Impact Advisory Board was held, bringing together BMCC faculty and administrators, corporate partners including Flushing Bank and Ernst & Young, and re-entry organizations.
The Advisory Board will connect Project Impact with resources and networks, strategize funding opportunities, and provide guidance for developing program initiatives.
The Project Impact community has also expanded through the continued support of its alumni.
Once enrolled in Project Impact, students stay with the program until they graduate from BMCC, often returning as alumni to work with Project Impact as employees or volunteers.
Alumni of Project Impact have pursued bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Hunter College, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, the City College of New York, CUNY School of Professional Studies, New York University and other colleges within CUNY and beyond.
Support the First Annual Project Impact Coat Drive
To support Project Impact as well as BMCC students, migrants, foster children and unhoused individuals, consider donating to the BMCC Project Impact First Annual Suit Up For Success Coat & Professional Attire Drive.
This coat drive was initiated by a student member of Project Impact and has grown as a group endeavor.
The Project Impact team invites members of the BMCC community to drop off clothing hangers as well as gently used, freshly dry-cleaned or washed coats and attire for men, women and children by Monday, November 20 at 4:30 p.m., at 199 Chambers Street, Room S-430Q.
For more information about the Coat Drive or Project Impact at BMCC, visit here, stop by Room S-430Q at 199 Chambers Street, call (212) 776-6244 or email projectimpactbmcc@bmcc.cuny.edu.
Students who are interested in joining Project Impact are invited to complete this interest form.
Project Impact at BMCC has been awarded $250,000 by the Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation
Now in its fifth year at BMCC, Project Impact provides a close-knit cohort environment for students who are completing their high school equivalency exam, are first-generation college student and low-income
About 80% of Project Impact students identify as having been impacted by the justice system in some way