Timothy J. Leonard

Picture of Tim Leonard

Associate Professor
Deputy Chairperson
Academic Literacy and Linguistics

EMAIL: tleonard@bmcc.cuny.edu

Office: N-499R

Office Hours: Fall 2024-- W: 10AM to 12PM; TH 10AM to 11AM

Phone: +1 (212) 220-1403

Professor Timothy Leonard holds a doctoral degree in Education with a concentration in Instructional Leadership. He has taught reading to students of varying ages and has engaged teachers in experiences to examine their instructional methodology. As an instructor of courses in literacy, reading, and critical thinking, Professor Leonard is focused on student growth while providing individualized experiences that students can leverage for success in future coursework. He is particularly interested in: fostering dynamic, student-centered learning communities, conceptions of motivation, student reading motivation, developing student autonomy, and student perceptions of success in college and beyond.


Literacy, Reading, Motivation, Student Experiences that Contribute to Success, Learning Communities, Teacher Education


B.S. English, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT

MAT, Teaching and Reading, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT

6th Year (CAS), Educational Administration and Reading, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT

Ed.D, Instructional Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction, Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT

Courses Taught

Research and Projects

Professor Leonard’s current research interests and projects are centered on students with disabilities and their perception of their college experiences. A further focus is on students with disabilities and their dispositions for success. As well, Prof. Leonard is exploring concepts surrounding Ungrading and the development of constructivist learning environments in which all students can experience success.

Another area of focus is on integrating service-learning into college coursework. Along with Prof. Patrick Flink, we have developed a partnership with the BMCC Childcare Center to engage in this practice.

A short article and video detailing this work can be found here.

Over the past three years, Prof. Leonard has been part of a group of faculty who have been developing an intergrated FYE (First Year Experience) as part credit-bearing courses for students at BMCC.

BMCC Faculty can join our current Open Lab site to learn more!







Flink, P., & Leonard, T. (2023). Students with disabilities: Skills, strategies, and dispositions for success at a community college. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 23(17). 169-181.

Leonard, T. & Flink, P. (2022). Integrating service-learning pedagogy into community college coursework: A phenomenological study. Research Anthology on Service Learning and Community Engagement Teaching Practices. IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-3877-0

Leonard, T. & Flink, P. (2019). Integrating Service-Learning Pedagogy Into Community College Coursework: A Phenomenological Study. International Journal of Innovative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, DOI: 10.4018/IJITLHE.2020010103

Leonard, T., & Flink, P. J. (2019). Challenging heteronormativity: Contextualizing the need for queer studies in academia. Journal of Education and Social Development, 3(2), 10-13. doi:10.5281/zenodo3370781

Flink, P & Leonard, T. (2018): Students with Disabilities: Experiences Attending a Two-Year Community College. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/10668926.2018.1554514









Honors, Awards and Affiliations

Prof. Leonard has engaged with the CUNY Mindset initiative by completing the Motivating Learners Course, and then was selected as a Mindset Ambassador for the 2023-2024 academic year.




Additional Information