Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

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BMCC offers Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) for experiences that involve the equivalent of college-level learning. Please review BMCC’s accepted CPL categories below. If you have completed something you do not see below, email, so we can review it.

Students must provide documentation of their prior learning, which is then evaluated to determine its equivalency to BMCC course requirements. After assessment, the appropriate credits are awarded. CPL helps students save time and money by reducing the number of courses they need to complete.

Please note: Depending on your degree program and BMCC residency requirements, we cannot guarantee all CPL opportunities will be applicable.

Standardized Examinations

AP TestScore of 3Score of 4Score of 5
AP Art HistoryART 1ART 102 or ART 104ART 102 or ART 104
AP BiologyBIO 210BIO 210BIO 210
AP Calculus ABMAT 301MAT 301MAT 301
AP Calculus BCMAT 302MAT 302MAT 302
AP ChemistryCHE 201CHE 201CHE 201
AP Chinese Language & CultureCHI 200CHI 210CHI 1
AP Comparative Government & PoliciesPOL 1POL 110POL 110
AP Computer Science ACSC 110CSC 110CSC 110
AP English Language & CompositionENG 101ENG 121ENG 121
AP Environmental ScienceSCI 1SCI 1SCI 1
AP European HistoryGEN 1GEN 1GEN 1
AP French Language & CultureFRN 200FRN 210FRN 1
AP German Language & CultureLAN 4LAN 4LAN 4
AP Human GeographyGEO 2GEO 100GEO 100
AP Italian Language & CultureITL 200ITL 210ITL 1
AP Japanese Language & CultureLAN 4LAN 4LAN 4
AP MacroeconomicsECO 100ECO 201ECO 201
AP MicroeconomicsECO 100ECO 202ECO 202
AP Music TheoryMUS 105MUS 117MUS 117
AP Physics 1: Algebra-basedPHY 210PHY 210PHY 210
AP Physics 2: Algebra-basedPHY 220PHY 220PHY 220
AP Physics C: Electricity & MagnetismPHY 225PHY 225PHY 225
AP Physics C: MechanicsPHY 215PHY 215PHY 215
AP PsychologyGEN 1PSY 100PSY 100
AP Spanish Literature & CultureSPN 200SPN 210SPN 1
AP StatisticsMAT 209MAT 209MAT 209
AP U.S. Government & PoliticsPOL 100POL 100POL 100
AP U.S. HistoryHIS 120HIS 120HIS 120
AP World HistoryHIS 115HIS 115HIS 115
BMCC CourseCredit-Granting ScoresCredit Granted
AS Level - English General PapeENG 10153
AS Level - Engl Language & LitENG 10153
A Level - EnglishENG 201
ENG 333
AS Level - EnglishENG 33353
A Level - Further MathematicsMAT 206
MAT 301
MAT 302
AS Level - Further MathematicsMAT 206
MAT 301
A Level - HistoryHIS 10153
AS Level - HistoryHIS 10153
A Level - Thinking SkillsCRT 10053
AS Level - Thinking SkillsCRT 10053
A Level - LiteratureENG 12153
AS Level - LiteratureENG 20153
A Level - GeographyGEO 10053
A Level - SociologySOC 10053
AS Level - SociologySOC 10053
A Level - EconomicsECO 10053
AS Level - EconomicsECO 10053
A Level - MathematicsMAT 206
MAT 301
AS Level - MathematicsMAT 20654
CLEP ExaminationEquivalent BMCC CourseBMCC Credit-Granting ScoresCredit Granted
Principles of AccountingACC 122474
Principles of ManagementBUS 104473
Introduction to Business LawBUS 110513
Principles of MarketingMAR 100483
Principles of MacroECO 201543
Principles of MicroECO 202553
Western Civilization IHIS 101523
Western Civilization IIHIS 102533
Introduction to PsychologyPSY 100543
Human Growth & DevelopmentPSY 400523
Introduction to SociologySOC 100523
CalculusMAT 301504
College AlgebraMAT 156503
College MathematicsMAT 110503
PrecalculusMAT 206504
DSST ExaminationEquivalent BMCC CourseBMCC Credit-Granting ScoresCredit Granted
Business MathematicsBUS 14003
Ethics in AmericaPHI 1204003
Math for Liberal ArtsMAT 1104003
Principles of Adv English CompENG 1014003
Fundamentals of College AlgebraMAT 1564003
Principles of StatisticsMAT 1504003
Criminal JusticeCRJ 1014003
General AnthropologyANT 1004003
Human/Cultural GeographyGEO 1004003
Intro to Law EnforcementCRJ 2014003
Lifespan Developmental PsychPSY 2404003
IB ExaminationEquivalent BMCC CourseBMCC Credit-Granting ScoresCredit Granted
Economics (Higher Level)ECO 10053
Economics (Standard Level)ECO 10053
Extended Essay (Higher Level)ENG 31453
Extended Essay (Standard Level)ENG 31453
Further Mathematics (Higher Level)MAT 301
MAT 302
MAT 315
Global Politics (Higher Level)POL 11053
Global Politics (Standard Level)POL 11053
History (Higher Level)HIS 11553
History (Standard Level)HIS 11553
Lang A: Lang & Lit English (Higher Level)ENG 12156
Lang A: Lang & Lit English (Standard Level)ENG 33353
Lang A: Literature English (Higher Level)ENG 33353
Lang A: Literature English (Standard Level)ENG 33353
Lit and Performance English (Standard Level)ENG 38453
Math (Higher Level)MAT 206
MAT 301
Math (Standard Level)MAT 20658
Mathematical Studies (Standard Level)MAT 15054
Philosophy (Higher Level)PHI 10053
Philosophy (Standard Level)PHI 10053
Psychology (Higher Level)PSY 10053
Psychology (Standard Level)PSY 10053
Social & Cultural Anthropology (Higher Level)ANT 10053
Social & Cultural Anthropology (Standard Level) ANT 10053

Industry Credentials

Below are the industry credentials currently accepted by BMCC. If you have completed a certification that is not listed in the chart, email with a copy of your credential so that it can be reviewed.

CredentialsEquivalent BMCC CourseCredit GrantedSubmission Required
COMPTia Network+CIS 3453Certificate
COMPTia A+CIS 1653Certificate
CUNY Public Safety OfficerCRJ 1013Employment Confirmation
Change Impact—ECE 110 SequenceECE 1103Certificate
Change Impact—EDS 201 SequenceEDS 2013Certificate
NYS Certified Emergency Medical Technician (with active certification) EMC 1004Active Certification
NYS Certified Paramedic (with active certification)EMC 100—30334Active Certification
Navigator Certificate in Human Services & Community Justice at John Jay College (For Human Service Majors)HUM 101
HUM 212

Military Service Credit Information

BMCC accepts credit earned through military service and experience.* The Joint Services transcripts (JST) can be requested online to be sent to BMCC: JST Transcript Request.

*Subject to departmental review