Oksana Vorobel

Picture of Oksana Vorobel

Academic Literacy and Linguistics

EMAIL: ovorobel@bmcc.cuny.edu

Office: N-481

Office Hours:

Phone: +1 (212) 346-8559

Oksana Vorobel is a Professor at Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York. She received her Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition and Instructional Technology, University of South Florida (USF). Her research interests include second language literacy, use of technology in language learning and teaching, and distance language education. She serves as a Book Review Editor for the CALICO Journal and CALICO Executive Board member. She has taught a number of various courses in the USA and Ukraine, including Literacy Development in ELLs (ESOL endorsement course for pre-service teachers), Language Acquisition, Introduction to Linguistics, and ESL/EFL.


Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), technology in language learning and teaching, second language writing and literacy, distance language education


  • Ph.D., University of South Florida
  • M.A., B.A., Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine

Courses Taught

LIN 200 (Language Acquisition)

Research and Projects

Current projects include the following:

  • Systematic review of studies on distance (online and hybrid) language teaching in various educational contexts
  • Evaluation of online language courses
  • Language learners’ engagement in community college L2 writing classes


Honors, Awards and Affiliations

  • Scholar-in-Residence Program, Faculty Resource Network, New York University, Fall 2020-Spring 2021
  • American Educational Research Association (AERA) Division C New Faculty Mentoring Program, Washington, D.C., 2016
  • CUNY Faculty Fellowship Publication Program 2015-2016
  • William Stewart Travel Award, CUNY, NY, 2015

Additional Information