Multimedia makes use of various combinations of text, audio, images, animation, and/or video in a presentation, website or other form of communication. This specialty has become increasingly popular in business, education, advertising, science and technology industries.
Technical + Creative
The Multimedia Programming and Design program will prepare you for a career in companies and organizations that develop, produce or market multimedia products, programs or services. You will learn both the technical and creative aspects of this field and how to collaborate with others on projects.
Choose From Three Areas of Study
You can select one of three concentrations in this major:
Game Design
Graphic Design
UX and Web Design
Upon successful completion of the curriculum, you will receive an Associate in Science degree (A.S.) and have the option transfer to senior institutions such as York, NYU or New York City College of Technology to continue your studies.
Transfer Options
BMCC has articulation agreements with CUNY NYC College of Technology to allow you to seamlessly continue your education there without any loss of credits.
Explore Careers
BMCC is committed to students’ long-term success and will help you explore professional opportunities. Undecided? No problem. The college offers Career Coach for salary and employment information, job postings and a self-discovery assessment to help students find their academic and career paths. Visit Career Express to make an appointment with a career advisor, search for jobs or sign-up for professional development activities with the Center for Career Development. Students can also visit the Office of Internships and Experiential Learning to gain real world experience in preparation for a four-year degree and beyond. These opportunities are available to help BMCC students build a foundation for future success.
Multimedia Programming and Design Academic Program Maps
Required Common Core
English Composition | 6 |
Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning | 3 |
Life and Physical Sciences | 3 |
Flexible Core1
Creative Expression | 6 |
Individual and Society | 3 |
Scientific World2 | 3 |
U.S. Experience in Its Diversity | 3 |
World Cultures and Global Issues | 3 |
Curriculum Requirements
- This image-based course will introduce graphic design as the foundation upon which effective visual communication is built. Investigation of the elements and principles of graphic design will lead to specific design problems and their solution. The development of ideas and the ability to communicate them effectively will be covered. Discussion of both vector and bitmap-based digital graphic platforms will begin progress toward industry-standard computer proficiency.
- Building on the principles learned in introduction to multimedia, students will learn to manipulate graphics and text in more sophisticated ways for use in print layout as well as multimedia. An emphasis will be placed on design concepts for the creation of pages.
Prerequisite: MMP 100 and MMA 100
Course Syllabus - Students will work collaboratively to plan, design and create a complete project to be stored on a CD ROM. Projects may be drawn from such applications as: information kiosks; computer-assisted instruction; and creation of world wide web sites.
Prerequisites: MMP 200 and [any 200-level MMP or MMA course]
Course Syllabus
Experiential Learning
- In this course students are instructed in industry appropriate methods to creatively plan their careers. Students learn about self-assessment, career exploration, and practical job search skills. In this course, students will identify the techniques used to identify target markets, negotiate with clients, apply sound business management principles, and successfully self-promote. The course includes the following topics: how to identify and classify your career needs, interests, values, and skills; researching occupational and organizational alternatives; job search techniques and resources for employment; resume and cover letter preparation; portfolio presentation; job interviewing and follow-up. Prerequisite: ANI 401 or two MMA 200-level courses or higher or two MMP 200-level courses or higher or two courses from VAT 161, VAT 165, VAT 171, VAT 261, VAT 265 or VAT 271.
- The objective of the internship course is to support qualified MEA students who are prepared to gain work experience in their academic field. Each student–intern is assigned to a faculty-advisor/coordinator with expertise in the student's field at least one semester before starting MEA 371. The coordinator will assist the student in securing an internship placement in a work site related to the student's major, help the student to "reconstruct" their present position as an internship, or develop - by special arrangement - an internship with their current employer. Over a semester, the Media Arts and Technology Internship expects approximately 150 work hours from the student, including but not limited to a minimum of 90 hours of work at the internship site. In this course, MEA Students are expected to work with faculty to apply to and secure an internship, complete a showcase quality term project/paper, and be evaluated by their internship work-site supervisor and the assigned faculty advisor/coordinator. Students are expected to arrange their schedules so that they are free mornings or afternoons, Monday-Friday, or two to three full days per week so they are available for the internship site work.
Prerequisite: Departmental Approval
Discipline Sequences
Choose 6 credits from one of the following sequences:
Game Design
- This course introduces the basic concepts of programming for multimedia. Students will learn the principles of object-oriented programming and how to create scripts for the manipulation of graphics, audio and text to construct a web-based multimedia presentation. Prerequisite: MMP 100
- This course introduces game design principles and video game production practices. Game history, theory and design principles will be covered through lecture, discussion and readings. Readings in the form of texts, videos and games will be assigned for written analysis and discussion. The course will review game production historically and current practices for game development including software, environments and production process. Students will learn topics such as character design, setting and level design, interaction programming, sound design, user testing design and analysis, presenting ideas, giving and interpreting critique and feedback. Production assignments include asset creation of graphics, animation and sound, programming game interactions, creating user testing forms and concept presentations. Students will work individually and/or in groups to develop and complete a video game throughout the semester. Game production environments such as Web/JavaScript, Unity, Unreal Engine, Game Maker, Godot Engine or others could be used. Asset creation will be done with software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Animate, Piskel, cfxr, Audacity, Audio Tool and others.
Prerequisite: MMP 100 - This course introduces students to design and production practices used in the development of games and other interactive experiences using 3D graphics. The course will cover the fundamentals of 3D asset management, scene design, scripting, interactivity, sound design and other topics related to 3D design. The class will introduce students to production using a game engine such as Godot Engine, Unity or Unreal Engine. Students will learn the process of publishing games or 3D scenes as video games and other platforms which may include augmented reality, virtual reality or other 3D platforms. These topics will build on practices introduced in MMP 100 and other multimedia courses. The class assignments and evaluations are project based and students will produce at least three 3D scenes for one or more platforms and create documentation of the production process and finished scenes for use in a portfolio.
Prerequisite: MMP 100
UX and Web Design
- In this course students will study the processes and tools used to create meaningful and enjoyable human interactions with digital products. Working individually and in groups, students will explore solutions to user experience problems, focusing on understanding users’ needs and mindsets. Employing a variety of methods of user research, design and usability testing, students will practice the UX design cycle and will present their insights in class presentations and portfolio posts.
Prerequisite: MMP 100 - This course will introduce students to the process and techniques of web design. Effective website design and site architecture will be explored through class assignments and critique of existing websites. Hands-on experience designing web pages while using web authoring software and coding HTML manually will be emphasized. Graphic, audio, and animation applications, which allow for image and sound development, will be introduced.
Prerequisite: CIS 180 or MMP 100
Course Syllabus - This course gives the students the tools to build standards compliant, accessible, dynamic websites. Students will incorporate client-side and server-side scripting with advanced CSS to create intuitive and interactive web interfaces. The learning will take place in the context of a content management system. Contemporary web development processes and platforms will be explored. A foundational knowledge of programming concepts, HTML, CSS and design for the web is required for this course. Prerequisites: MMP 240
Graphic Design
- This course will explore type design and its application in visual communication. Students will learn to manipulate type properties to design meaningful and effective graphic communication. The use of industry-standard desktop publishing software will be covered as well as will be applied to a range of typographic solutions. Prerequisite: MMA 100 or ART 100 or ART 101
- This course continues the study of digital imaging as it relates to graphic design. A course philosophy for this class is the introduction of photographic images as a basis for approaching 2D design concepts. During the semester, this course shall cover digital input, editing, archiving and the beginning of the study of digital output. Conceptual and technical digital shooting assignments will be assigned to expand students' skills and support topics covered in class. Reading and writing will focus on the use of technology in propelling digital imaging and design. Prerequisite: MMA 100 or ART 100 or ART 101
- This class builds upon principles and skills learned in Foundations of Digital Design. Students will apply principles underlying effective visual communication to increasingly complex design problems. Projects may include poster design, symbols and logos, editorial design, information design, visual identity and branding and other design systems. Critical analysis of design problems and the creative design process will be emphasized. Students will complete reading and writing assignments in addition to problems in visual communications and design. Prerequisite: MMA 100 or ART 100 or ART 101
Please note, these requirements are effective for people starting in the 2024-2025 catalog year or later. Please check your DegreeWorks account for your specific degree requirements as when you began at BMCC will determine your program requirements.
- No more than two courses in any discipline or interdisciplinary field can be used to satisfy Flexible Core requirements.
- Students are required to take MMP 100.
- Choose two courses from the following: MMP 202, MMP 210, MMP 310, MMP 240, MMP 350, MMA 235, MMA 215, MMA 225, MMP 270, MMP 271, MEA 211, MEA 300, ANI 260, ANI 401 or any 200-level or higher MMA or MMP course. Classes cannot count both as a MMD Program Elective and for another program requirement.
- Choose three credits from: MEA 111, ART 102, ART 104, ART 106, ART 107, ART 133, ART 233, ART 166, ART 174, ART 176, ART 183, MUS 123, BUS 110.5, BUS 200, CIS 165, CSC 101, CSC 110, CSC 111, COM 240, COM 245, SBE 100.
- Any credit bearing course at BMCC counts for the General Elective. These credits can also be satisfied by taking STEM variants in the Common Core.