Andrew Stout

Picture of Andrew Stout

Associate Professor


Office: N-563

Office Hours: In-Person: N563 (T/Th 6:15-7:15PM) & Online: Email (T/Th 7:15-8:15PM)

Phone: +1 (212) 776-6493


Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, Computer Algebra, Combinatorics


Ph.D., Mathematics, CUNY Graduate Center (2014)

M.A., Mathematics, CUNY Gradaute Center (2011)

B.Sc., Mathematics, NC State University (2008)

Courses Taught

MAT 320 (Abstract Algebra)
MAT 315 (Linear Algebra)
MAT 209 (Statistics)

Research and Projects

Current Research Interests:

  1. Generalizing Kolchin’s Irreducibility Theorem through the notion of the regulated asymptotic defect coming from generalized jet schemes.
  2. Calculations of deformed motivic volumes coming from mixed-arc spaces: developing the notion of an incompressible algebraic variety and its relation to the birational geometry of algebraic varieties.
  3. The connection between the non-reduced structure of mixed auto arc spaces, integer partitions, and combinatorial identities such as the Rogers-Ramanujan identities.
  4. Rationality of the auto Igusa zeta function for general hypersurface singularities and its relationship with the motivic Igusa zeta function.
  5. Using the Gini coefficient to rank AI systems.
  6. The use of machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer algebra to solve problems in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry.
  7. Developing Statistical Apps in Python to aid in student’s comprehension of concepts in introductory statistics.


Stout, A. R. (2023) Auto-arcs of complete intersection varieties. Preprint:
Accepted with minor revision to The Journal of Algebra.

Stout, A. R. (2019). The auto Igusa-zeta function of a plane curve singularity is rational. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 147 (2019), 1825-1838, Preprint:

Stout, A. R. (2019). Formal deformations of algebraic spaces and generalizations of the motivic Igusa-zeta function. Contemp. Math., Vol. 724, pages 137 – 147, (2019) Preprint:

Stout, A. R. (2017). On the auto Igusa-zeta function of an algebraic curve. Journal of Symbolic Computation. Volume 79, Part 1, 2017, Pages 156-185, Preprint:

Stout, A. R. (2017, Sept. 2017). The auto Igusa-zeta function of a plane curve singularity is rational. Special Session on Algebraic Curves and their Applications, American Mathematical Society, Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting, University of Central Florida Orlando, FL, United States.

Stout, A. R. (2014). Motivic Integration over Nilpotent Structures. PhD Thesis. CUNY Academic Works.

Honors, Awards and Affiliations

PSC-CUNY Grant Traditional B, #67566-00 Cycle 55, PI

NSF Grant, Creating Data Science Pathways for STEM Student Success, (Spring 2024-present)

Creating Data Science Pathways for STEM Student Success Summer Grant, #40K76-00 01 (Summer 2023)

PSC-CUNY Grant Traditional A, #66024-00 Cycle 54 (Summer 2023), PI

PSC-CUNY Grant Traditional B, #60784-00 Cycle 48 (Fall 2017), PI

Chateaubriand Fellowship:  Université Pierre and Marie Curie (Now Sorbonne Université) (AY 2012)

Enhanced Chancellor’s Fellowship: CUNY Graduate Center (2008-2012)

Additional Information