Technology Fee Report, 2007-2008
The President’s Advisory Committee on Technology met during the spring 2007 semester to recommend to the president a set of technology-related projects. These projects were intended to make the best use of the funds generated by the student technology fee to meet instructional and other student-related needs for the 2007-2008 academic year. This report represents the status of the recommended projects.
Project 1: Interactive Multimedia Kiosks
Multimedia touch screen kiosks were installed at numerous points of service and public areas throughout the campus. Kiosks were customized by location, including a new multimedia application promoting academic support services. The kiosks also have dedicated access to Panther applications, thus improving access for students to the Panther student information system.
Project 2: HDTV Replenishment
To meet the evolving technical demands for digital and high definition television in degree programs the facilities of the Media Center were upgraded. Available storage for video and audio materials was tripled in size to 24 Terabytes. Equipment for “tapeless” HDTV workflow was installed in the main television studio. Video editing software applications were upgraded to better emulate current practice in motion picture and news production and twelve obsolete graphics workstations and seven obsolete audio workstations were replaced.
Project 3: Staff for Student Technological Support
The college continues to fund the employment of technological staff for student assistance, faculty training, and instructional design.
Project 4: Provide Staff for Student Help Desk Including Evening and Weekend Program Needs
Additional technical support staff was hired to allow for the College Computer Center Helpdesk to provide improved support services to students attending classes during the evenings and weekends.
Project 5: Upgrade Instructional Computer Facilities
Instructional computer labs were upgraded through the retirement of obsolete computer workstations and their replacement with 250 new state-of- the- art computers and flat screen monitors.
Project 6: Library e-Subscriptions
The Library purchased and/or licensed 20 online journals and related electronic resources to support the academic programs at the college.
Project 7: Faculty Development Initiatives
The college has engaged in a faculty development project intended to support the implementation of iTunes University. Faculty were trained in the production of audio and rich media podcasts to support their instructional efforts and projects are underway for the upcoming academic year. Faculty will receive ongoing training during the next academic year. In addition, during the spring 2008 BMCC’s Technology Day was well attended by faculty and staff. During this event, faculty presented posters and demonstrated their use of technology in the classroom with “Walk Up and Learn Stations.” The keynote address was given by Dr. Ellen Meier, Co-director of the Center for Technology and School Change at Columbia University, Teachers College, and co-chair of the University of the State of New York Council on Technology Policy and Practice.
Project 8: Reserve Funds for University-Wide Enterprise Initiatives
As mandated by CUNY, the college is supporting BlackBoard, Degree Works, CUNY Portal, CUNY First and other enterprise software initiatives using the volume discounting through university-wide purchasing.
Project 9: Library Public Workstation Replenishment
The library replaced forty obsolete public workstations with new small-form computers. These workstations are used by students to access the catalog system, electronic databases and other online research materials in the A. Philip Randolph Memorial Library.
Project 10: Roving Librarian Service
Librarians equipped with wireless laptops worked outside of the physical constraints of the library at numerous areas of the campus including the student lounges located in the lobbies of 199 Chambers Street and Murray Street as well as open access labs. Using this method of bringing the librarians and the electronic resources to the students in non-traditional settings helped expose students to sophisticated research techniques that take advantage of the significant online resources available from the library. The main focus of the project is to assist students in developing their academic and research skills. Four librarians participated in this project.
Project 11: Library Smart Classroom
A modern state- of- the- art technology enhanced classroom has been built inside the library with a Smart Board Symposium system and projector and associated audiovisual equipment. The installation of an interactive whiteboard system with access to the Internet and the electronic library resources has greatly enhanced the ability of the library to offer workshops and dedicated instruction to the college community.
Project 12: Workstation Security Software
To improve the instructional environment the college licensed from Faronics software that will enhance the ability of staff and faculty to maintain a consistent computer configuration in labs without increasing down time or maintenance costs. This ensures that the computer labs are always ready and available for instruction despite heavy use.
Project 13: Extension of Authentication Authorization and Auditing (AAA)
The purpose of this project is to preserve and enhance the security and integrity of the college data networks and improve access to online college services used by students. The authentication, authorization and auditing functions required for optimal network operation were extended with the purchase of an ID engine appliance that has been integrated into the college’s student information system and network.
Project 14: High Speed Backup Connectivity for Murray Street Campus
High speed Cisco switches and related equipment have been purchased and installed to increase the reliability of the network connectivity to the Murray Street campus. This has greatly enhanced the viability of the Murray Street facility for the use of technology in education.
Project 15: P2P/IM/Network Abuse Hacker Control
Abuse of the college’s network by instant messaging, peer-to-peer applications and hacking has been reduced at the port level through the installation of a Fortigate 224B network security system. This system has further advantages to the college as it also provides protection from worms, viruses, spyware, denial of service attack, and other threats to the college and university. This has improved network performance and reliability.
Project 16: Student E-Mail
This project has been achieved with the roll-out of the CUNY student e-mail initiative in January. Currently, all BMCC students are issued a LIVE@BMCC account upon registration and all legacy accounts have been transferred to the new system.
Project 17: Enhancement of Wireless Network
This project is underway. All required equipment was purchased and on campus for deployment. Currently, the College Computer Center is in the process of completing the engineering and installation of the equipment upgrades and enhancements.
Project 18: Student Information System Enhancement
This project has been achieved. The student information system is now load balanced and the PANTHER online application has been upgraded and redesigned to allow for more effective and reliable use.
Project 19: Integrated Swipe Lock System
To create fifteen new technology enhanced classrooms electronic swipe locks were installed. These locks are integrated into the Public Safety security system so they can be accessed by faculty using the proximity features of the new BMCC Card ID system. This provides significant advantages for instruction.
Members of the Committee, 2007-2008:
Ahmed Adeoshun, Student
G. Scott Anderson, Vice President of Administration & Planning
Nabila Bitti, Student
Howard J. Entin, Director, Financial Aid
Sidney Eng, Chief Librarian
John J. Gallagher, Director, Media Center
Joseph F. Giummo, Associate Director, College Computer Center
Samson Lahti-Parsell, Student
Thomas Lew, Director, Instructional Technology Services
Jordan Michel, Student
Joel Hernandez, Chairperson, Department of Science
Lisa H. Rose, Coordinator, Distance Learning
Barry M. Rosen, Executive Director, Public Affairs