The Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC/CUNY) Office of Student Affairs recently recognized 206 current students who completed 12 or more credits and had maintained a perfect 4.0 GPA at the end of the 2015 spring semester.
BMCC recognized its Achievers during a ceremony in the college’s Richard Harris Terrace. Student’s received certificates of recognition.
Featured speakers that included President Antoino Peréz; Provost, Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs Karrin Wilks and Vice President for Student Affairs Marva Craig beamed with pride as they looked out over the group of students.
“We know your academic achievement represents hard work, sometimes sacrifice, and most importantly, a deep commitment to your own success. We share that commitment to your success. You make us look good, but most importantly, you make us very proud,” said Provost Wilks.
President Peréz urged students not to compete against each other, but instead to compete with themselves and strive to do better work than they did the day before.
“Life is not about competition with someone else. It’s really about how you set forth your own particular vision; what it is you want to accomplish and where you think you want to go. Don’t let others dictate that for you,” said Peréz.
Vice President of Student Affairs Marva Craig congratulated the students and encouraged them to take advantage of student activities and other campus opportunities including BMCC Foundation Scholarships.
Business Administration major Nadya Mainskaya advised all BMCC students to remember that they are in school for themselves, not anyone else.
“Give your classwork your best effort because it is not for professors, parents or society. You are here to invest in your own growth and in your future,” said Mainskaya.
Accounting major Cassandra Galban said she always has her nose in a textbook, studying constantly.
“I also try to never miss a day of class and make sure to hand all assignments in on time,” said Galban.
Liberal Arts major Shamille Foote said the secret to success in school is to recognize that school is not about perfection, but instead, progress.
Students included (A-G): Ilze Abersone, Mutiat Adigun, Ruth Ajiboye, Farangis Akhmedova, Safa Alam, Safa Akam, Timothy Alden, Doha Ali, Darleny Almonte Dominguez, Hussein Alnomani, Britteny Alvarez, David Anders, Daniel Apiah, Ellis Avery, Joseph Aviles, Janice Bailey, Damilola Bakare, Mathias Bantle, Eran Barak, Jacqueline Barcenes, Kisten-Kaye Barnaby, Maria Barnaz, Cathianna Bartolomeo, Katrina Bates, Clemence Begin, Martin Bengtsson, Daniel Benko, Sylvia Bhola, Suman Bhowmik, Susan Blackburn, Gifty Blankson, Jill Bowers, Justin Born, Nadia Bretillon, William Brown, Alma Bujaj, Zoe Burke, Chiara Cappelletti, James Carlsen, Elena Cavadji, Jhaneidy Checo, Momna Cheema, Huijae Choi, Yong Wook Choi, Ngawang Chokey, Tenzing Choyang, Dana Christy, Ming Chun Chung, Dolgoon Damdinsuren, Bobby Darnell, Matthew David, Carolina Dellepiane, Tesfamichael Demeke, Ashleigh Diaz, Joseph Diomede, Patricia Diven, Almedia Dos Santos, Ricardo Nunes, Aurela Dragani, Maty Drame, Karol Drozdal, Emily Drum, Fatine Elakramine, Jebril Elnisafi, Jack English, Francis Essel, Sean Farber, Viktoriya Feldman, Bridgette Feliz, Patricia Ferreira, Shamille Foote, Michelle Foreman, Tara Frank, Chris Frazier, Cassandra Galban, Zsamieka Gammon, Yu Gao, Kristy Garcia, Lorena Garcia, Catalina Glasgow, Pooja Gomes, Marcell Gomez, Ana Gonzalez, Javier Gonzalez, Sasha Goodman, Majida Gouriech, Shanna-Kay Griffiths, Alex Guarino, Ciara Guernon, Norina Guerra, Dinara Guliyeva, Nick Gundobin, Ensia Gutic,
(H-M) Rui Han, John Harper, Aaron Hawkins, Tamara Heartfield, Valeria Heredia-Hernandez, Liukysha Hernandez, Brooke Hetzel, Tyler Hollows, Stephen Hughes, Zhanna Ivanova, Emi Iwaida, Nickesha James, Pavel Javornik, Amy Jiang, Ilia Jikurashvili, Nana Jitsukawa, Susan Johnson, Anna-Lena Jonsson-Cohen, Ryan Jung, Kristen Kangas, Lillian Karak, Gurjit Kaur, Bryan Keane, Shannon Kidd, Jeong Heon Kim, Kwangmin Kim, Vivian Klingner, Alexandra Klugar, Loren Knyper, Hannah Koufos, Jihea Kwak, Yangchen-Virgnia Lama, Maria Langhammer, Andrew Lee, Wei Wen Li, Yingnan Li, Huixian Liao, Rachel Linon, Hope Linton Anna Lobakova, Vincent Lomoriello, Caleb Lui, Jaime Luque Lau, Liping Ma, Adriana Mahara, Nadezda Mainskaya, Adam Marr, Christoni Mbiada Fongue, Iryna McDonald, Hana Moas, Mariah Morales, Latisha Myrie,
(N-S) Dante Natteri, Hanna Nekhniadovich, Shima Nikkhah, Sara Obermajerova, Dennis O’Brien, Jude Onwukanjo, Jessica Pabotoy, Michael Pace, Alexandra Pagan, Vincent Panza, Diana Penilla, Natali Perez, Azaliia Persits, Anna Pinger, Libby Pollak, Ilya Ratner, Bryant Robertson, Giselle Robleto, Lisa Rodriguez, Veronica Roussos, Kaitlin Saier, Yaseer Saiyed, Yhinenyie Salazar, Moheb Salmoun, Shelia Sarkar, Fiorella Sbravatti, Esther Schiffman, Sylvia Serban, Gregory Sher, Shivanni Shew, Mark Shklovsky, David Shohan Grace Silk, Jasmin Silvestry, Byeonghyeon So, Alexis Souquet, Mariama Sow, Mamadou Sy,
(T-Z) Mariko Takizawa, Teri Talbot, Meiyi Tan, Thanh Thai, Dartniesha Thomas, Trevardo Tomlinson, Joanne Torres, Lilet Tubiak, Yee Tun, Boris Ustian, Helen Valencia Joyce Vaughn, Tyriek Warren, Anna Wei, Chana Weinreb, Kerry Williams, Marika Williams, Hillel Wolin, Sandra Wollschlager, Laura Wong, Kyoko Yazaki, Jee Young Yoo, Simon Zais, Lanlan Zhang, Rona Zhang, YinYin Zhang, Harouna Zoundi.
- BMCC ceremony honors student commitment to academic achievement
- Administration proud of students
- VP Craig encourages students to explore available campus resources