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Storytelling Workshop: Tell us about your BMCC journey

April 3, 2024 at 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
| 199 Chambers St., Room S-628D

one student telling a story to three other students

Create a powerful and compelling story in this inclusive and supportive workshop.

In preparation for our upcoming Storytelling Open Mic event 2-4 p.m. on Wednesday 5/1 in Room N-451 hosted by Professor Christopher Moss and to be even selected to perform at our BMCC LIVE at PAC NYC: Storytelling Lives public performance curated/presented by Professors Brian Lorio on Wednesday 5/15 2:30-4 p.m. at Perelman Performing Arts Center, the department of Speech, Communication, and Theatre Arts is offering Storytelling Coaching Walk-In hours from 2-4 pm on 3/27, 4/3, and 4/17 in Room S-628D and via Zoom where faculty facilitators will help student, faculty, and staff storytellers develop, rehearse, and/or fine-tune their stories in a one-on-one and/or small group setting (see details below). All BMCC students, faculty, and staff are welcomed and please feel free to bring your BMCC friends, classmates, and colleagues along as well.

For the upcoming Storytelling Open Mic and BMCC LIVE at PAC NYC events, we will focus on non-fiction storytelling (stories that actually happened and the person telling it is at the center of it) with the theme of “My BMCC Journey.” We are open to all presentation formats/styles (narrative-style storytelling, poetry reading, rap, and/or spoken word performance, etc.) and are especially interested in stories that capture notable awe-inspiring, heartwarming, life-changing, thought-provoking, gratifying, and/or rewarding moments that you have personally experienced on your journey to, during, and/or after BMCC.  These notable moments may be the result of your unique personal circumstances and challenges, your interactions with certain BMCC students, faculty, staff, or alums, and/or your involvement with certain BMCC student/faculty/alum groups/organizations, support offices, scholarships, or events.

2-4 p.m. Wednesday, March 27
In-Person Faculty Facilitators in Room S628D: Professors Lisa Haas, Brian Lorio, and Virginiya DiDonato
Zoom Faculty Facilitator: Professor Elizabeth Whitney (https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/j/85055145842?pwd=VnlUQ08xUFJWT0ZUSENxMTk0QmJmUT09 / Meeting ID: 850 5514 5842 / Passcode: 756252)

2-4 p.m. Wednesday, April 3
In-Person Faculty Facilitators in Room S628D: Professors Lisa Haas and Brian Lorio
Zoom Faculty Facilitator: Professors Lisa Haas and Virginiya DiDonato (https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/j/85055145842?pwd=VnlUQ08xUFJWT0ZUSENxMTk0QmJmUT09 / Meeting ID: 850 5514 5842 / Passcode: 756252)

2-4 p.m. Wednesday, April 17
In-Person Faculty Facilitators in Room S628D: Professors Lisa Haas, Brian Lorio, Virginiya DiDonato, and Alvin Eng
Zoom Faculty Facilitator: Professor Elizabeth Whitney (https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/j/85055145842?pwd=VnlUQ08xUFJWT0ZUSENxMTk0QmJmUT09 / Meeting ID: 850 5514 5842 / Passcode: 756252)

* BMCC students who participate in both the 3/6/24 Storytelling Workshop or (or the 3/26, 4/3, or 4/17 Storytelling Walk-In Hours) AND the 5/1 Storytelling Open Mic event will receive CCT (Co-Curricular Transcript) credits.

If you have any questions, contact Professor Lisa Haas or Professor Elizabeth Whitney.

April 3
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Open to:
BMCC Students Only


199 Chambers St., Room S-628D
NY 10007
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