BMCC Faculty E-Learning Publications

Isserles, Robin. Fostering Student Engagement: Creating a Culture of Learning Online

Hachey, A.C., Wladis, C.W. and Conway, K.M. (In Press- Nov 2012).

Balancing retention and access in online courses: Restricting enrollment… Is it worth the cost? Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 14(3), November. [peer-reviewed]

Wladis, C.W, Hachey, A.C. and Conway, K.M. (2012). An Analysis of the Effect of the Online Environment on STEM Student Success. In S. Brown, S. Larsen, K. Marrongelle, and M. Oehrtman (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, (Vol. 2). Portland, Oregon.

Hachey, A.C., Wladis, C.W. and Conway, K.M. (2012)
Is the second time the charm? Investigating trends in online re-enrollment, retention and success. Journal of Online Educators, 9(1), January. [peer-reviewed]

Conway, K.M., Wladis, C.W. and Hachey, A.C. (2011). Minority student access in the online environment. HETs (Hispanic Educational Technologies Services) Online Journal, 2(1), October. [peer-reviewed]

Conway, K.M., Hachey, A.C. and Wladis, C.W. (2011). Growth of online education in a community college. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 15(3), Fall 2011. [peer-reviewed]

Russo-Gleicher, R. (2014-2015). Improving student retention in online college classes: Qualitative insights from faculty. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory, and Practice, 16 (2), 239-260. (Peer-reviewed) Free abstract available at:,5,8;journal,2,61;linkingpublicationresults,1:300319,1

Russo-Gleicher, R. (2014, Fall). Using peer mentoring to increase retention in an online class: A case study of a student taking the course for a 3rd time. Inquirer, 21, pp. 50-58. Available at: BMCC Inquirer Journal

Russo-Gleicher, R.J. (2013, Jan.) Qualitative insights into faculty use of student support services with online students at risk: Implications for student retention. JEO: Journal of Educators Online, 10 (1). [peer-reviewed]

Russo-Gleicher, R.J., & Flanagan, J. (2012, Fall). Addressing online student retention issues at the start of the semester: Challenges and rewards. Inquirer, 19, 7-18. Available at: BMCC Inquirer Journal