REI Subcommittees

The REI Steering Committee consists of four (4) subcommittees, each led by a Convener/Chair, and a Student Advisory Group. Each subcommittee will identify strategies for recommendation and implementation to cultivate a more diverse, equitable and inclusive teaching and learning college community and, more directly put, address systematic, systemic, structured inequities. The Student Advisory Group provides valuable student perspectives and plays a crucial role in shaping the strategies and recommendations of the committee.

Informed by and building on the critical work of the Equity and Inclusion Task Force, this Steering Committee has been charged with developing recommendations to strengthen institutional practices, processes, and policies and aid the college in the implementation and monitoring of these recommendations.

Subcommittee on REI Course Designation

Priorities Items: Strengthening BMCC curriculum and pedagogy in Black, race, and ethnic studies by acknowledging that systemic racism exists, and ensuring the curriculum is culturally competent and representative of our student body.

  1. Review the project plan submitted by the Curriculum and Pedagogy Committee, ensuring alignment with REI goals.
  2. Meet with College leadership and Faculty Senate to discuss advancement of the REI Course Designation proposal.
  3. Solicit feedback from students, ensuring their perspectives are considered in the REI Course Designation development process.

Members: Jean Amaral, Sara Crosby, Ashtian Holmes (Convener), Laurie Lomask, Jen Longley, and Patricia Mathews

Subcommittee on Social Justice Week

Priorities Items:

  1. Identify Social Justice Week theme that aligns with the REI mission.
  2. Propose and select speakers and presenters for Social Justice Week events.
  3. Define Social Justice Week events’ format and activities, including both virtual and in-person options.
  4. Plan and manage space requests for Social Justice Week events.
  5. Design and manage promotional items, marketing, and messaging for Social Justice Week.

Members: Shenique Davis, Joseph Derima, Jenny Fernández, Neda Hajizadeh (Convener), S. Raschaad Hoggard, Odelia Levy, Angel Lopez, Pedro Perez, Lesley Rennis, Andrew Stout, and Joely Castillo (Student Representative)

Subcommittee on Campus Climate

Priorities Items:

  1. Research and identify best practices for dissemination of climate survey ensuring the use of clear and actionable language.
  2. Connect with the COACHE team to gather insights on faculty survey results.
  3. Ensure alignment and synergy with existing and forthcoming surveys.
  4. Review and adapt relevant strategies from other CUNY climate survey efforts.
  5. Coordinate with the Public Affairs office to ensure effective communication and dissemination of survey results.

Members: Lashallah Burgess (Convener), Jorge Florez, Grace Harris, S. Raschaad Hoggard, Jonathan Matamoros, and Michelle Ronda

Subcommittee on Enhancing REI Presence, Engagement, and Messaging

Priorities Items:

  1. Identify and designate committee members to collaborate with the Public Affairs team to coordinate messaging and outreach efforts.
  2. Research best practices in marketing, communication, and outreach strategies used by other institutions and consider how they can be applied to BMCC.
  3. Conduct a comparative analysis of prior BMCC messaging to identify areas of improvement and develop a refined communication strategy.
  4. Develop tailored messaging and marketing plans for stakeholders, including faculty, staff, students, and the broader community.
  5. Evaluate website, social media, video, and other forms of communication for effectiveness.
  6. Seek input from student groups to ensure their perspectives are integrated into messaging and outreach plans.

Members: Shenique Davis, Jenny Fernández, Odelia Levy, Pedro Perez, and Karen Wilson-Stevenson

Student Advisory Group

The REI Steering Committee recognizes the importance of including student perspectives in achieving its mission and goals. To further foster student participation, REI has established a Student Advisory Group. This group will offer students an opportunity to contribute and engage in planning committees, particularly with regard to Social Justice Week. Representatives are invited or nominated by college members to serve on this committee. Additionally, we encourage students to actively volunteer and take part in building a more diverse and inclusive community.

Members: Joely Castillo, Nicole Gomez, Dan Lin, Jennifer Marquez, Tiana Roger, and Mandy Zhang