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Counselors Are the ‘Glue’

The 25th Annual Literacy Recognition Awards Ceremony honors Wayne Carey, BMCC’s Adult Basic Education counselor.

Six Degrees of Nursing

Jacqueline Nichols, Chairperson of Nursing at BMCC, honored an alum who received the same scholarship Nichols did 43 years ago.

Start Here, Go Ivy League

Thanks to the Pathway to Success program, seven BMCC alumni have been accepted to Cornell University this fall.

Ice Dreams

BMCC faculty and staff mentor a high school student who builds an electric motor cooled in an unexpected way.

“It’s Not About You…”

Honored by The Moriah Institute for her social and community work, LaVerne Parker teaches her students the importance of helping, and inspiring, families in need.

Bound for Success

The Upward Bound program at BMCC helps high school students prepare for exams, college, and their futures.