Roderick (Shane) Snipes

Assistant Professor
Deputy Chairperson
Business Management
Office: F-730T
Office Hours: By Appointment -
Phone: +1 (212) 220-8222
Dr. Roderick (Shane) Snipes is a groundbreaking researcher at the intersection of mindfulness and entrepreneurship, inspiring innovation in education and leadership. Rooted in a rich tapestry of diverse experiences, Shane’s journey from the son of artists to the vanguard of mindfulness entrepreneurship resonates with creativity and courage. He is a trailblazer, being the first in his family to attend college, and an academic, having taught cutting-edge business and technology courses since 1996.
After securing his B.A. in Intercultural Communication from North Carolina State University, bolstered by minors in engineering, political science, and international relations, Shane’s passion for social entrepreneurship led him to the Fulbright Research Grant. The grant propelled him into exploring the profound social issues facing post-Soviet society in the early 1990s.
While working under the grant, Shane brought forth his flair for entrepreneurship and founded the Baltic Ecocenter. His leadership shone bright when he contributed to the reorganization of the Lithuanian AIDS Hotline, a collaboration with the World Health Organization, illuminating the possibilities of social entrepreneurship in modern society. During this transformative period, Shane also completed his MBA from Vytautas Magnus University, amplifying his acumen in business.
Upon leaving the Baltics, Shane’s journey took him into the heart of the non-profit world for several years before he plunged into the dot-com revolution. His pioneering venture, OneGreener, a sustainability analytics platform, was successfully acquired in 2013. His creative genius led to the inception of six innovation labs for global giants like HP, Microsoft, and Best Buy.
As an influential figure in Sustainability Education, Dr. Snipes holds a Ph.D. with a focus on integrating mindfulness and entrepreneurship education from Prescott College. He is a luminary in the NYC startup ecosystem and currently serves as the Deputy Chair of the Business Management Department. He also coordinates the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Degree Program, actively fostering the leaders of tomorrow.
Harnessing the power of AI, Dr. Snipes has been an avid proponent of technologies like ChatGPT, integrating these tools into the curriculum to enhance learning experiences and drive engagement. His work has significantly impacted how education is delivered and received, creating an exciting dynamic between students, educators, and technology.
His professional journey, spanning continents, industries, and disciplines, showcases a commitment to fostering a global perspective, integrating mindfulness in entrepreneurship, and championing innovative, sustainable solutions. Dr. Roderick (Shane) Snipes is a beacon in the realms of mindfulness, entrepreneurship, education, and leadership. His work is a testament to the power of innovation, resilience, and a relentless commitment to social good.
Leading expert in mindfulness and its application to business, community-based research, the new world of work including ChatGPT related to entrepreneurs, new workstyles, mindfulness in startups, and the impact of AI on small businesses. Dr. Snipes is renowned for his expertise in entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial thinking, mindset, sustainability, and social entrepreneurship.
- B.A. North Carolina State University, Cross-cultural communication 1993
- M.B.A. Vytatuas Magnus University, Organizational Development 1994
- Ph.D. Prescott College, Sustainability Education 2019
Courses Taught
- This course examines the building blocks of entrepreneurship, including an analysis of the entrepreneur and exploration of business opportunities. The course includes the investigation and practice of products and service creation. The emphasis will be on applying entrepreneurship concepts to a business idea and developing an entrepreneurial mindset.
Corequisite: BUS104 only for business majors.
Course Syllabus - This course covers the scope and trends of small business in the economy. The general functions of management, factors in business success and failure, and the entrepreneur's qualifications are covered. Case studies, mathematical decision making, and microcomputer applications are integral parts of the creation of a usable business plan.
Prerequisite: [(BUS 104 and SBE 100) or (SBE 200 and SBE 300)]
Course Syllabus - The marketing system is described, analyzed and evaluated, including methods, policies, and institutions involved in the distribution of goods from producer to consumer. Emphasis is placed on the means of improving efficiency and lowering distribution costs.
Course Syllabus
Research and Projects
- Academic Champion and Principal Investigator for Blackstone LaunchPad grant
- BMCC Apprenticeship Institute (in development) in affiliation with 2023 New York Jobs CEO Council Faculty Fellowship in Practice-Based Teaching and Learning [OpenLab]
- Development of Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship (early discussions)
- End-of-Semester Student Founder Festival/Showcase (55 teams, 20 mentors, and two hours of demos/showcases)
- 14th Entrepreneurial Summit (converting 2020 to online using; 21 students teams, 30+ mentors,
- Citizen Entrepreneur Explorer Program based on community-based research (2021-24)
- Changes in empathy in entrepreneurial classroom when integrating ultra-brief mindfulness
- Impact of late adolescence on entrepreneurial mindset
- Intersection of innovation education, entrepreneurial education, and mindfulness education
- Effects of brief mindfulness interventions in the classroom on the entrepreneurial self-efficacy and empathy
Snipes, S. (2023). Transforming Education with AI: Guide to Understanding and Using ChatGPT in the Classroom (AI for Education Book 1). Amazon.
Snipes, S. (2023). Teaching entrepreneurship through community-centered research. In Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy-2023 (5th ed., pp. 406–411). Edward Elgar.
Snipes, R.S. (2021). Access and Impact of Community First Entrepreneurship Education for the New World of Work: A Case for the Citizen Entrepreneur Explorers Program. In Rolle, J.-A., Kisato, J., & Kebaya, C. (Eds.), A Handbook on the Future of Work and Entrepreneurship for the Underserved. Independently published, Amazon.
Snipes, R. S. (2021, February). Addressing the challenges of workforce preparedness with community-centered entrepreneurial education. Paper presented at Learning and Development Elysium 2021 – Delhi, India. Retrieved July 16, 2021, from
Snipes, R.S. (2020). Impact of Ultra-Brief Mindfulness Practice on Empathy in Entrepreneurial Courses. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 23(6).
Snipes, R. S. (2020, January). An appreciative inquiry of empathy and ultra-brief mindfulness when practicing entrepreneurial concepts. Paper presented at Leadership and Emotional Intelligence Summit and Awards 2020 – Delhi, India. Retrieved from
Alexander, R. C., Stewart, M., & Snipes, R. S. (2019). Breaking Boundaries: A Unique Inter-University Program Addressing the 21st Century Skills Gap. In E. Bohemia, G. Gemser, N. Fain, C. de Bont, & R. A. Almendra (Ed.), Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management: Research Perspectives In the era of Transformations, 2(1), 1587–1592.
Snipes, R. S. (2019). Classroom Effects of Ultra-brief Mindfulness on Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy and Empathy (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database. (ISBN 9781392399453)
Snipes, R.S. (1994). Social Movements in Post-Soviet Societies (unpublished thesis). Fulbright Scholar, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania.
For additional information see blog on CUNY Academic Common
Honors, Awards and Affiliations
- Blackstone Launchpad Grant originator, 2021-24 ($470,000)
- Awarding student entrepreneur grants
- Design programming for new and experienced entrepreneurs
- Community building with weekly gatherings for innovators
- Knowledge Challenge Grant recipient from Kauffman Foundation, 2020-24 ($336,000)
- Expand the Citizen Entrepreneur Explorers Program curriculum across CUNY and US
- CUNY PSC Grant, 2018
- Research on impact of age on entrepreneurial mindset
- Fulbright Scholar, 1993
- Research on social movements in post-soviet society
Additional Information
Co-founder of 1 Million Cups NYC (@1MCNYC), the New York City edition of a national entrepreneur ecosystem project supported by the Kauffman Foundation.