Julie A. Gallanty

Picture of Julie Gallanty, Ed.D

Adjunct Lecturer
Business Management

EMAIL: jgallanty@bmcc.cuny.edu


Office Hours: Fridays 4:30-5:30 via zoom appointment (link is located on class portal)


Dr. Gallanty has worked an executive leader in nonprofit management for over 20 years. In her role, she has raised millions of dollars to renovate community-based facilities. She has trained hundreds of board and policy volunteers, is a certified coach and has onboarded CEOs in their new roles. She has facilitated strategic planning sessions, and staff transition meetings.


Dr. Gallanty’s expertise is in:

  • Nonprofit business management
  • CEO development, coaching, and onboarding
  • Volunteer Administration, development, and training (policy and program volunteer)
  • Fundraising
  • Strategic planning and faciliatation
  • Business Management and Organization
  • Community Development, collaboration and partnerships.


  • Ed.D, Higher Education and Adult Learning
  • MA, Early Childhood and Elementary Education

Courses Taught

Research and Projects

  • Nonprofit CEOs’ Learned Skills and Strategies for Leadership


  • Nonprofit CEOs’ Learned Skills and Strategies for Leadership, Published inProQuest

Honors, Awards and Affiliations

Additional Information

Certified Professional Coach (CPC)

Board Member:

  • Literacy Solutions of New York
  • Council of Volunteer Administrators (CCVA)
  • Rotary Club of New York (President – 2023-2024)