Joel Evans

Business Management
Office: F-730G
Office Hours:
Phone: +1 (212) 220-8081
Prior to joining BMCC full-time in 2009, I had been an adjunct lecturer and adjunct assistant professor in the department since 1993. During this period, I was the owner of an executive search firm specializing in the placement of attorneys at large “white shoe” law firms (domestic and international), boutique law practices and in-house counsel at major corporations, including financial institutions, major sports leagues and insurance companies. I have extensive sales and marketing experience at large and medium size firms, including; United States Gypsum Company and Wesley-Jessen, Inc./Schering-Plough. Other business experience includes; production, quality control and production management experience at Smirnoff and the Chrysler Corporation. Legal experience: Inspector General Liaison, New York City Department of Investigation.
- J.D. New York Law School, International Law,
- B.S. Boston University, Communications-Public Relations and Advertising,
Courses Taught
- This course surveys business and industry in the United States with global growth strategy. Emphasis is placed on building Communication and Quantitative skills, including Excel spreadsheets, and an Ethical Foundation. The course introduces students to concepts in Management, Organizational Structure, Human Resources, Marketing, International Business, Finance, Computer Information Systems, Accounting, and Economics, and encourages students to explore career paths. Required of all Business majors.
Course Syllabus - This course surveys briefly the American legal system and the basic law of contracts. Reference is made to typical business transactions and, by a study of pertinent cases, how the various principles of contract law apply to them.
Course Syllabus - This course focuses on communication skills expected of college graduates entering into business fields. Students who successfully complete this course will be able to produce professional, clear, concise, evidence-driven, persuasive writing, spoken communication, and visual/graphic communication. The course will emphasize the importance of being purpose-oriented and audience-aware. Examples of work to be done include writing e-mails, drafting business memos, internal and external business communications, listening skills and interpersonal communication.
Prerequisites: ENG 101, ENG 201 and BUS 104
Course Syllabus - This course covers the total structure and character of modern business from initial organization through grouping of essential functions into operating departments. Management and the decision-making process, financing, operations, and marketing considerations are studied, with actual cases used to illustrate problems in small and big businesses.
Course Syllabus - This course is designed to develop the student?s ability to make decisions as a manager. Cases are used to present the student with a variety of management problems. Students participate in oral and written case analysis which requires identification of the problem, proposal of alternative solutions to it, and the choice of one solution based on criteria of profitability and productivity. Students also participate in a management simulation game.
Prerequisite: BUS 210
Course Syllabus - Critical Thinking (Same as CRT 100) is designed to develop the mind and help students learn to think clearly and effectively. Through substantive readings, structured writing assignments and ongoing discussions, students will examine concrete examples from their own experience and readings and contemporary issues in the media to learn how to analyze issues, solve problems, and make informed decisions in their academic, professional, and personal lives.
- The marketing system is described, analyzed and evaluated, including methods, policies, and institutions involved in the distribution of goods from producer to consumer. Emphasis is placed on the means of improving efficiency and lowering distribution costs.
Course Syllabus
Research and Projects
- Academic Senate, 2010-Present
- College Council, 2010-present
- Urban Male Leadership Academy BMCC-Member Advisory Board-2013-present
- Writing Across The Curriculum
- Manhattan Early College School for Advertising-Member, Steering Committee
- Co-Author w/Larrington and Smoke, “Study Guide to Accompany Business Law”,Pearson Custon Publishing
Honors, Awards and Affiliations
- Distinguished Teaching Award Nominee, BMCC 2016
- Philip Newell Scholar, Boston University
Additional Information
Deputy Chairperson, Business Management Department 2014-2015
College Council Budget Committee, Member 2010-2015
Academic Senate Instruction Committee, Member 2010-2011