Jae Ki Lee

EMAIL: JaeLee@bmcc.cuny.edu
Office: N-598D
Office Hours: MWTh: 12:00 pm ~ 1:00 pm
Phone: +1 (212) 346-8492
Professor Jae Ki Lee received his Ed.D in Mathematics from The Teachers College, Columbia University. He is interested in developing alternative learning method, Flipped Classroom Instruction, and Inquiry Based Learning (IBL).
Teaching techniques and learning techniques, Teaching adult learners, Teacher Knowledge for Teaching, Mathematics Teacher Education, Mathematics Study Skills, Mathematics Education, Math Education, Educational Technology, Developmental Mathematics Education, Developing Alternative Algorithms; International Comparisons of Curricula; Teaching Mathematics Using Technology
- Ed.D. Teachers College, Columbia University, Mathemaitcs,
- M.A. Teachers College, Columbia University, Mathematics,
- B.S. SunMoon University, South Korea, Chemistry ,
Courses Taught
- This course is a combination of arithmetic and elementary algebra. It includes the arithmetic of integers, fractions, decimals, and percent. In addition, such topics as signed numbers, algebraic representation, operations with polynomials, factoring, the solution of simultaneous linear equations of two variables, and graphing are covered.
Students who passed MAT 12, MAT 14, MAT 41, MAT 51, MAT 56, MAT 160, MAT 161, MAT 56.5, MAT 150.5 cannot take MAT 161.5.
Course Syllabus - This developmental course provides an alternative and accelerated pathway to the college-level liberal arts mathematics courses. The course will focus on applications of numerical reason to make sense of the world around us. Applications of arithmetic, proportional reasoning and algebra are emphasized. This course cannot be used as a prerequisite for MAT 056 and is not suited for Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) students.
Students who passed MAT 12, MAT 14, MAT 41, MAT 51, MAT 56, MAT 160, MAT 161, MAT 56.5, MAT 150.5 cannot take MAT 161.5.
Course Syllabus - This course is the first algebra course offered at the College. It includes such topics as algebraic representation, signed numbers, operations with polynomials, factoring, the solution of linear equations, the coordinate system, the solution of simultaneous linear equations of two variables, and graphing. This course is designed to prepare students for the CUNY Freshman Skills Assessment Test required for transfer to the upper division of CUNY, as well as for more advanced math courses. If a student passes MAT 12, the student should not register for MAT 51, since MAT 12 combines MAT 8 and MAT 51.
Students who passed MAT 12, MAT 14, MAT 41, MAT 51, MAT 56, MAT 160, MAT 161, MAT 56.5, MAT 150.5 cannot take MAT 161.5.
Course Syllabus - This course is the second algebra course offered at the college. It is open to students who have completed elementary algebra or its equivalent. It includes such topics as: factoring, solutions of linear and quadratic equations, trigonometric relationships, exponents, logarithms, and the graphs of quadratic equations.
Students who passed MAT 12, MAT 14, MAT 41, MAT 51, MAT 56, MAT 160, MAT 161, MAT 56.5, MAT 150.5 cannot take MAT 161.5.
Course Syllabus - This course covers basic statistics, including: measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, graphs, correlation, the regression line, confidence intervals, the significance of differences, and hypothesis testing, including z-tests, t-tests, and chi-square tests.
Prerequisites: MAT 12, MAT 14, MAT 41, MAT 51 or MAT 161.5
Course Syllabus - This course covers basic algebraic and trigonometric skills, algebraic equations, and functions. Topics include: mathematical induction, complex numbers, and the binomial theorem.
Prerequisite: MAT 56 or MAT 56.5
Course Syllabus - This is an integrated course in analytic geometry and calculus, applied to functions of a single variable. It covers a study of rectangular coordinates in the plane, equations of conic sections, functions, limits, continuity, related rates, differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions, Rolle's Theorem, the Mean Value Theorem, maxima and minima, and integration.
Prerequisite: MAT 206 or MAT 206.5
Course Syllabus
Research and Projects
- Assessing Conceptual Approaches of Rational Numbers and Teachers’ Understanding
This project, a collaboration between BMCC Professors Jae Ki Lee and Susan Licwinko, assesses students’ conceptual approaches of rational numbers, as well as teachers’ understanding.The steps of the project include:
–Design and develop the research plan
–Create survey to interview teachers
–Recruit teachers
–Design and develop the research course curriculum
–Instruct developmental courses based on research plan - Exploring Mathematical Reasoning of the Order of Operations: Rearranging the procedural component PEMDAS and students’ discoveries
PEMDAS is one of the mnemonic devices to memorize the prior order to calculate if an expression contains more than one operation. The acronym is for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction.However, even using PEMDAS as a guide, students frequently make miscalculations when solving the expression which has either multiplication and division, or addition and subtraction next to each other.
This project explores the mathematical reasoning of the Order of Operation, and the effectiveness of a new approach. In addition, it observes students’ discoveries as they join in that exploration through classroom activities.
- Exploring Calculus Problems with GeoGebra, MathAMATYC Educator
- Using the Standard Form to Explore Parallel and Perpendicular Lines, New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal (NYSMTJ)
- A New Approach to Factoring Trinomial ax^2+bx+c, The New Jersey Mathematics Teacher
- An Exce-L-ent Algorithm for Factors and Multiples, Mathematics Teaching in Middle School (NCTM)
- What’s happening in the mathematics classroom? Discussion about RBI based on New national standard in Korea, East Asian Mathematical Journal
- Synthesizing Algebraic and Graphical Representations of Maximum and Minimum Problems 2014, International Journal of Technology in Mathematics Education, Vol. 20, No. 4
- Exploring Mathematical Reasoning of the Order of Operations: Rearranging the Procedural Component PEMDAS (Lee, J. & Licwinko, S. & Taylor-Buckner, N.2013, Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College (JMETC) Fall-Winter Vol. 4
Honors, Awards and Affiliations
- PSC-CUNY (2013) Research Award
- MInority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP), U.S. Dept. of Education
Integrate STEM Mathematics courses: combining Intermediate Algebra and Precalculs course.
The research is pursuing Student Center Learning Strategies, such as flipped classroom model, Inquiry Based Learning, or (and) Active learning.
The project team also pursuing to create the project materials as Open Educational Resources, so that other colleagues or colleges can import and utilize the materials without costing