Elizabeth Wissinger

Elizabeth Wissinger

Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice

EMAIL: ewissinger@bmcc.cuny.edu

Office: N-651S

Office Hours: W,Th,F by appointment

Phone: +1 (212) 220-8000;ext=7459



Sociology of the Media, Media Studies, Gender studies, and technological embodiment


  • Ph.D. CUNY Graduate Center (GSUC) ,  Sociology, Women’s Studies ,  2004
  • M.A. CUNY Graduate Center (GSUC),  Sociology,  2000
  • B.A. Middlebury College ,  Philosophy and French,  1986

Courses Taught

Research and Projects

  • Wissinger, Elizabeth and Joanne Entwistle, eds. (2012) Fashioning Models: Image, Text, and Industry. London: Berg Publishers.
  • Wissinger, Elizabeth This Year’s Model (NYU Press)


  • Modelling a Way of Life: Immaterial and Affective Labor in the Fashion Modeling Industry, 7(1): 250-269,ephemera: theory & politics in organization
  • Fashion Modeling, Blink Technologies and New Imaging Regimes, pp. 133-143 in Fashion Media: Past and Present, Djurdja Bartlett, Shaun Cole, and Agnes Rocamora, eds., London: Bloomsbury, 2013,London:Bloomsbury
  • Managing the semiotics of skin tone: Race and aesthetic labor in the fashion modeling industry, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 33(1): 125-143, February 2012,
  • Modeling Consumption: Fashion modeling work in contemporary society, Journal of Consumer Culture, 9(2): 275-298, July 2009,
  • Always on Display: Affective Production in the Fashion Modeling Industry,a?? pp. 231-260 in The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social, Patricia Clough and Jean Halley eds., Durhan, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2007. ,
  • Entwistle, Joanne and Elizabeth Wissinger, Keeping Up Appearances: Aesthetic Labor in the Fashion Modeling Industry, The Sociological Review. 54(4): 774- 794. November 2006.,

Honors, Awards and Affiliations

  • Andrew W. Mellon Fellow, Committee for Interdisciplinary Science Studies, GSUC of the City University of New York
  • Visiting Scholar at the University of Sydney, Discipline of Work and Organisational Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities
  • Professional Staff Congress CUNY Research Award Grant
  • CUNY Faculty Fellowship Publication Program Grant
  • BMCC Faculty Development Grant

Additional Information