Immunization Requirements

New York State Department of Health requires that all students must comply with specific immunization laws. Please read the following to select the criteria that you are mandated to comply with prior to registration. You are blocked from registration until these requirements are met.

  • For students born after 1956, both NYS Health Law 2165 and 2167 must be met and completed prior to registration.
  • For students born before 1957, only NYS Health Law 2167 must be met and completed prior to registration.

NYS Health Law 2165, in effect since July 1989, requires that students born after 1956 submit to Health Services, room N303, documented proof of measles, mumps, and rubella immunization or immunity. Please refer to the information you received in your admissions packet or see immunizations requirements for detailed options that will allow you to select which one completes your requirements.

Free MMR (combination measles, mumps, and rubella)
vaccines are offered by Health Services through the
semester as well as during registration.

Medical or religious exceptions may apply with proper documentation. Pregnant women must select the blood titre option only.

NYS Health Law 2167, in effect since August 2003, requires that all students, those born after 1956 and those born prior to 1957, receive and read the information on Meningitis, specifically Meningococcal Disease. You must fill out and sign the response form by either selecting to waive your right to the Meningitis vaccine or taking the form to your doctor, receive the vaccine and sign. These response forms must be submitted to Health Services, room N303. Please refer to the information you received in your admissions packet or see immunizations requirements for details.

There are no exceptions to this law since waiving your
rights to a vaccine is an option.

No Meningitis vaccines are offered by our office.

You are welcome to print the forms from the website and are also welcome to fax your completed forms to Health
Services at (212) 220-2367. If you choose to fax, please
follow up with a phone call to ensure receipt and that all is complete. Our number is (212) 220-

Find out more about immunization requirements

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Office of Academic Affairs
Organizational Chart

199 Chambers St, Room S-715
New York, NY 10007

Phone: (212) 220-8320

Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.