2011-2012 BMCC Tech Fee Expenses
Quantity | Amount | |
Hardware, Networking, Periperals |
PCs | LUMP | 11,149 |
Apple Computers | 78 | 174,628 |
Laptops | 4 | 123,976 |
Notebook | 8 | 5,664 |
Servers | LUMP | 73,021 |
A / V Equipment with accessories |
LUMP | 369,116 |
Camera equipment | LUMP | 2,796 |
Video Streaming System | LUMP | 179 |
Monitors | 165 | 42,823 |
Printers | 1 | 799 |
Firewall | LUMP | 128,687 |
Kiosk Machines | 6 | 30,068 |
Detection system for the Library |
LUMP | 4,271 |
Workstations for Computer labs (with accessories) |
LUMP | 104,605 |
Switches for network labs | LUMP | 34,944 |
Professional Services | ||
Engineering services to integrate the various security devices with Bradford |
LUMP | 4,076 |
External AP between Murray Street & Fiterman Hall was implemented |
LUMP | 25,258 |
The load balancing was configurated between 199 Chamber St & Fiterman Hall |
LUMP | 24,000 |
E-directory was migrated to Microsoft |
LUMP | 97,200 |
Completed Phase 1 design & implementation of intra campus resiliency & dynamic routing to CUNY Central |
LUMP | 21,438 |
Health check & necessary integration with Microsoft Active Directory were performed |
LUMP | 7,758 |
Aruba implementation services | LUMP | 8,000 |
Riverbed Cascade professional services |
LUMP | 7,980 |
IPS/IDS advance feature at Murray St location was implemented |
LUMP | 6,689 |
Formal Disaster Recovery plan draft was prepared and risk analysis for key applications was conducted |
LUMP | 11,695 |
The computer center web page was redesigned |
LUMP | 23,705 |
MAZU & Aruba were intergrated |
LUMP | 7,785 |
HD studio was upgraded | LUMP | 40,104 |
Extended warranty for equipment purchased |
LUMP | 11,624 |
Digital Signage Equipment | ||
Financed the purchase of replacement monitors, brackets & labor to replace all the legacy tube-based analog digital signage at 199 Chamber |
LUMP | 31,805 |
Digital signage equipment | LUMP | 35,737 |
Computers for the Dynamic digital signage project |
LUMP | 14,875 |
CPU wall mount | 4 | 670 |
Equipment needed for the Dynamic digital signage project |
LUMP | 2,700 |
85,787 | ||
Software | ||
Upgrade Software | LUMP | 45,402 |
New Software | LUMP | 318,581 |
Services Licenses | ||
Renewal of services licenses | LUMP | 71,665 |
New Licenses | LUMP | 355,891 |
Maintenance of existing Licenses |
LUMP | 23,084 |
Library Electronic Databases | ||
Renewal of existing databases | LUMP | 112,728 |
Library Electronic Book Readers |
Kindle Fire | 2 | 413 |
Kindle Touch | 2 | 292 |
Samsung Galaxy Tab | 1 | 357 |
Sony ebook readers with wi-fi | 3 | 407 |
Accessories for electronic book readers |
LUMP | 36 |
1,505 | ||
Application Technology | ||
Mobile application technology for mobile phones |
LUMP | 25,299 |
Cable Service | LUMP | 3,096 |
Medical equipment | ||
– Ventilator | 1 | 25,578 |
– Breathing simulator | 1 | 24,244 |
– Manual defibrillator | 1 | 20,000 |
– Lung analyzer | 1 | 9,381 |
– Megacode manikins | 2 | 12,316 |
– Mobililty ventilator | 1 | 11,722 |
– Ventilator monitors | 20 | 5,698 |
– Model hardware options device to upgrade the existing workstation |
LUMP | 2,520 |
– SERVO ventilator | 14 | 33,793 |
Maintenance for medical equipment |
LUMP | 49,479 |
Maintenance Agreements | LUMP | 21,831 |
Miscellaneous | ||
Supplies – 6,000 4GB swivel USB flash drives for students |
LUMP | 35,760 |
Enterprise Inititives (Blackboard, Email, Academic Advisement,Etc.) |
LUMP | 487,434 |
TOTAL OTPS EXPENDED | 3,186,830 | |
Staff for Student Technological Support |
983,306 | |