The President’s Advisory Committee on Technology met during the Spring 2003 semester to recommend to the President a set of technology-related projects. These projects were intended to make the best use of the funds generated by the student technology fee to meet instructional and other student-related needs for the upcoming academic year.
As a result of the work of the committee, the President approved implementation of the following projects:
1. Expand the College’s student loaner program to ensure that students have access to various types of equipment for short-term loan to work on class assignments that can benefit from technological enhancement — Media Center.
2. Upgrade the College’s student e-mail system in order to give students improved communications, control and management of their e-mail accounts.
3. Expand the computer facilities in the following student support service areas:
Career and Placement Services
Financial Aid
Cybercafe II
4. Begin the first phase of a multi-year project to redesign the Library, its network and digital reference infrastructure to increase its service capacity.
5. Continuation of Blackboard hosting services — Distance Learning.
6. Implement the first phase of the College’s plan to replace aging computers in the instructional labs.
7. Strengthen the College’s multimedia facilities by purchasing cameras and related equipment for instructional and programmatic use.
8. Hire technological support staff such as technicians, a technology training coordinator, and a support services coordinator.