1. What is Telehealth?
Telehealth provides services using computer programs, video calls, smartphone apps, telephone, email and any other technology that facilitates remote delivery of services. Some examples include talking to a counselor on Zoom, receiving academic counseling on the telephone, and filing an appeal via email.
2. What services are offered remotely?
The Counseling Center continues to provide short-term personal counseling, academic counseling, referrals to community-based providers, crisis support and assistance filing academic and financial aid appeals. Services that used to be provided in our offices at 199 Chambers Street are now being offered remotely using technology.
3. Are remote services still effective?
Yes! We can still provide personal and academic support even though we are doing it a different way. We are deeply committed to serving the BMCC community and Zoom, telephone and email help us do that.
4. What if my WiFi is unreliable?
Your counselor will work with you to address issues of technology. We understand that you might be able to do video calls some days and telephone calls on others. Talk to your counselor about what works best for you — we are flexible and here to help.
5. Do I have to show myself on camera?
No. You can choose to speak with your counselor over the phone if that feels more comfortable.
6. How do I schedule an appointment?
Students can contact their counselor directly to schedule an appointment. Students who have never seen a counselor or don’t remember their counselor’s name can contact us at counselingcenter@bmcc.cuny.edu.
7. I’m in crisis now, should I use the same email to try to reach a counselor?
No. If you are having a mental health emergency, DO NOT WAIT to hear back from a counselor. Call 911, the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK, NYC WELL at 1-888-NYC-WELL or go to your nearest emergency room. Email is not monitored continuously. It is also not monitored outside business hours or when the college is closed. An emergency cannot wait and you can access the above resources for immediate help at any time.
8. Is any part of the process in-person?
No. Currently all services are being offered remotely.
9. Can you help me file an appeal remotely?
Yes. Appeal forms and instructions can be found here.
10. Does it cost anything?
No. Counseling services are free.
11. Who can access these services?
All currently enrolled students can receive counseling services. Appeals can be processed by current and former students regardless of whether they are enrolled.