Park Place Window Project
October 20, 2021 – January 22, 2022
Sponsored by the PSC-CUNY Research Grant Award
Eugenia Oi Yan Yau, recipient
Quentin Angus & Can Olgun, musicians
Carlo Diego & Christine Mariani, video animation
Ensemble: Making of the CUNY Virtual Choir Project
Laura Reaper, mezzo- soprano
Makayla McDonald, soprano
Constantine Novotny, baritone & guitarist
Performance Schedule: Fridays at noon (Oct 15/22/29, Nov 5/12/19, Dec 3/10, 2021)
Location: Belvedere Plaza in Battery Park City
This Park Place Window Project series documents and features the pathway of making CUNY Virtual Choir Project 2019-2020, from collaboration efforts in song writing, website design, taking photos, practice recording tracks, filming holiday song greetings, singer video submissions, to a live stream performance of the mixed songs in October 2020. Initiated as part of the Diversifying CUNY’s Leadership: A CUNY-Harvard Consortium (2019-2020), the CUNY Virtual Choir Project brought diverse voices from different campuses into a mix and facilitated the submission of nearly 400 videos from nine CUNY campuses and 12 different countries, creating a truly global collaboration.
Audience outside the windows can listen to the music accompanying the video footage by scanning a QR code to their phones or digital devices. In addition, this show case exhibition is accompanied by a series of live vocal ensemble performances of the two Virtual Choir original songs, Together Now by Quentin Angus and We Are Everywhere by Can Olgun, on Belvedere Plaza in Battery Park City.
Together Now (words by Natalie Dietz; and music by Quentin Angus) is a pop/reggae composition for SATB choir and rhythm section (guitar, piano, bass and drums). A simple, catchy melody with lyrics promoting diversity, acceptance and inclusion, it is a perfect song for combined choirs celebrating the joy of togetherness!
We Are Everywhere (words by the late Suzzanne Douglas and Can Olgun; and music by Can Olgun) is a pop/gospel composition for SATB choir and piano. This song of confidence and hope resonates with positive lyrics embracing a sense of belonging. The expressive melody with accessible piano accompaniment makes this song the ultimate selection for any diverse choral group.