BMCC Community,

Developments regarding the pandemic continue to evolve.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced today (5/10/21), that students attending in-person courses in the City University of New York (CUNY) and the State University of New York (SUNY) systems will be required to get COVID-19 vaccinations before entering in the fall semester.
“No excuses,” Gov. Cuomo said during today’s press conference. “SUNY and CUNY Boards will require vaccinations for all in-person students beginning this fall.”
The move comes in light of statistics presented by Cuomo at a news conference in Manhattan that showed that ages 16-24 were the lowest group to be fully vaccinated across the state at 24.7%. By contrast, those in upper age brackets (55 and over) have reached 60% or more. Vaccines have been available in New York for those 16 and over for more than a month.
CUNY has shared this update on social media and BMCC has reposted this on its social media channels as well. CUNY will be developing FAQs for members of the CUNY community and will be posting them on the CUNY website.
BMCC will continue to monitor developments regarding the pandemic and the vaccine requirements under the guidance from CDC and CUNY. Please continue to visit the BMCC Re-imagining website for more updates and information.
Please continue to stay safe and healthy.
Anthony E. Munroe
President, Borough of Manhattan Community College