![Classroom_DSC4699[3][1] students in a lecture classroom](https://bmccprodstroac.blob.core.windows.net/uploads/2020/01/Classroom_DSC469931.jpg)
July 24, 2024
Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC/CUNY) offers 60 associate degree programs, provided by 19 academic departments.
The latest addition to this abundance of degree options—all of which are linked to bachelor’s degree programs in CUNY and beyond—is the Associate of Arts (A.A.) in Literacy Studies program offered by the Academic Literacy and Linguistics (ALL) department.
The Literacy Studies program is coordinated by Academic Literacy and Linguistics Professor Brian Kelley with support from Deputy Chair Prof. Timothy Leonard and was designed by Professor Brian Kelley with support from a variety of faculty within the Department and across disciplines.
“We also had support from Faculty Librarian Lane Glisson, ALL Professor Cheryl Comeau-Kirschner and Health Education Professor Yuliya Shneyderman who created courses for the program,” says Professor Kelley.
He stresses that the new Literacy Studies program “is a unique and first-in-the-nation program that focuses on building interdisciplinary inquiry and reasoning.”
Professor Beaumont explains that the program fosters an awareness of interdisciplinary reasoning and inquiry.
“For entry-level positions for which most Associate of Arts degree students are eligible, employers are looking for analytical and critical reasoning skills, so that is what we emphasize,” he says.
At the same time, he says, “We are teaching students to examine problems related to literacy through an interdisciplinary lens. For instance, students might think about the relationship between space, design and literacy as it impacts the development of libraries and invites readers or look at the ways in which literacy can be used in elder care.”
Literacy Studies graduates are on track to transfer to the Center for Worker Education at CCNY
Graduates of the BMCC Literacy Studies program will be able to take advantage of an articulation agreement between BMCC and The Center for Worker Education (CWE) at City College of New York (CCNY), where they can transfer seamlessly into the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies.
Once they’ve transferred to CCNY, they can choose from one of five concentrations—Americas; History, Politics, and Society; Literary, Visual, and Media Arts; Urban Studies and Public Administration; and Social Welfare.
“Students are taught to find their passions and voices and are mentored into interdisciplinary inquiry through each of our courses and to think about which of the strands at CWE best meet their career interests,” says Professor Kelley.
“We want to help them speak to employers about their skill sets and their transferability—to map out their own academic and career goals. It also helps them see that there are multiple pathways to achieving goals.”
Graduates explore a wide range of career paths that contribute to literacy, sustainability, development and more
Once the BMCC Literacy Studies alumni have earned a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at CCNY with one of the concentrations being offered, they will be equipped to pursue careers as a literacy consultant, literacy coach or staff member in a literacy program or nonprofit organization.
In addition, they could pursue careers in library sciences or education, or enter governmental offices as political aides with a focus on public policy and literacy. They would be prepared to work with a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), or an organization like the United Nations, which sponsors global projects related to literacy, sustainability and development.
“Education in the 21st century is going to be about tackling social problems,” says Professor Kelley.
“The goal of getting individuals reading and writing is linked to building a strong and more informed citizenship, and a healthier democracy. Individuals who understand how literacy intersects with social justice issues impacting women, refugees, differently gendered individuals and other groups, will be positioned to address literacy in the context of people’s lives and related struggles.”
For more information on the Literacy Studies program in the BMCC Department of Academic Literacy and Linguistics, stop by 199 Chambers Street, Room N-499, at the college’s main campus, or contact Professor Timothy J. Leonard, tleonard@bmcc.cuny.edu or Professor Brian Kelley at bkelley@bmcc.cuny.edu.
The 60th academic program offered at BMCC is the Associate of Arts (A.A.) in Literacy Studies offered by the Academic Literacy and Linguistics department
Graduates will transfer seamlessly to the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies at The Center for Worker Education at City College of New York, selecting one of five concentrations—Americas; History, Politics, and Society; Literary, Visual, and Media Arts; Urban Studies and Public Administration; and Social Welfare.
Career options include the fields of public policy, library sciences, education and working in non-profits or other organizations that have global projects related to literacy, sustainability and more