November 18, 2020
Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC/CUNY) recognizes 88 newly tenured and promoted faculty with a special commemorative video that features congratulatory cameo appearances from cabinet members, professors and lecturers.
“I’m deeply honored to extend congratulations to all our faculty who have earned promotion and tenure here at BMCC,” said President Anthony E. Munroe. “You’ve worked hard under very difficult circumstances. Your scholarship has continued to lead the way in the academy and your commitment to our students is unparalleled.”
Acting Provost Erwin Wong also appears in the video and congratulates faculty.
“Within CUNY, as well as nationally, BMCC faculty are known for being phenomenal teachers. They are also fantastic scholars,” said Wong.
Associate Dean of Faculty Jim Berg said in a time of great challenges, it important to celebrate as well.
“Although we couldn’t bring everyone together to recognize the achievements of our faculty, we wanted to celebrate them publicly,” said Berg. “Our resilient faculty are inspirations to our students, to the rest of the college and to CUNY. Congratulations to everyone.”
Accounting—Joel Barker (Promotion)
Academic Literacy and Linguistics—John Beaumont (Promotion), Saniye Deniz Gokcora (Tenure), Maureen Matarese (Promotion), James Michel (CCE), Terry Voorhees (Tenure), Oksana Vorobel (Tenure)
Business Management—Andrea Garraway (CCE), Shamira Malekar (Promotion)
Computer Information Systems—Mohammad Azhar (Promotion), Hao Tang (Tenure)
Center for Ethnic Studies—Daly Guilamo (Promotion)
English—Domenick Acocella (CCE), Tracy Bealer (Promotion), Trisha Brady (Tenure), Erica Campbell (CCE), Nancy Derbyshire (Promotion), Elizabeth Fow (CCE), James Hoff (Promotion), Benita Noveno (CCE), John Reder (Tenure), Jason Schneiderman (Tenure), Jaime Weid (Tenure)
Health Education—Michael McGee
Library—Kanu Nagra (Promotion), Lane Glisson (Tenure), Linda Wadas (Tenure)
Music and Art—Maureen Keenan (Tenure), Jessica Ramirez (Tenure), Peter Greenwald (Promotion), Carla Macchiavello (Promotion), Thaddeus Radell (Promotion)
Math—Mark Jagai (CCE), Karl Levy (CCE), Yanil Liu (CCE), Emmanuel Paki (CCE), Alioune Seye (CCE), Emmanual Paki (CCE), Shaoshao Yang (CCE), Brett Sims (Promotion), David Allen (Tenure and Promotion),
Modern Languages—Chun Yi Peng (Promotion), Patrizia Comello Perry (CCE), Fanny Rodriguez (CCE), Rachel Corkle (Tenure), Angeles Donoso Macaya (Tenure), Evelin Gamarra Martinez (Tenure), Margaret Carson (Tenure and Promotion),
Media Arts and Technology—M. George Stevenson (Tenure)
Nursing—Marcelle Edinboro (Tenure), Janice Summers (Tenure)
Science—Barys Korzun (Tenure and Promotion), Miguel Fiolhais (Promotion), Joel Hernandez (Promotion), Jose Fernandez-Romero (Promotion), Sumeyra Yumak, (Promotion), Katarzyna Chung (Tenure), Levent Kurt ( Tenure), Quinn Minor (Tenure), Kibrewossen Tesfagiorgis (Tenure), Christine Priano (Tenure and Promotion), Lauren Wickstrom (Tenure and Promotion), Lauren Wickstrom (Tenure and Promotion)
Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice—C. Ray Borck (Promotion), Christine Farias (Promotion), Jose Haro (Promotion), Khushmand Rajendran (Promotion), Michelle Ronda (Promotion), Arto Artinian (Tenure), Andres Colapinto (Tenure), Esin Egit (Tenure), Stephanie Laudone Jones (Tenure), Soniya Munshi (Tenure), Ross Tippit (Tenure), Nicole Lopez Jantzen (Tenure and Promotion)
Speech, Communications and Theatre Arts—Sillian Bonnanno (CCE), Lee Ritchey (CCE), Jose Ventura (CCE), Vincent Tzu-Wen Cheng (Promotion), Lori Kee (Promotion), Jill Strauss (Promotion), Benjamin Haas (Tenure), Mark Janis (Tenure), Elizabeth Whitney (Tenure)
Teacher Education—Jennifer Gilken (Promotion), Ruth Guirguis (Promotion) Jennifer Longley (Promotion), Mindi Reich-Shapiro (Promotion), Kirsten Cole (Tenure)
- President Anthony E. Munroe commends faculty for leadership under difficult circumstances
- Provost Erwin Wong recognizes academic leadership
- Commemorative video features cameo appearances from faculty and cabinet